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FotS (Fellowship of the Sith) Recruiting


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We are the Fellowship of the Sith and we open to anyone who is willing to tryout. I am <=FotS=>Aragorn and my email is speedermonkey911@yahoo.com If u r interested in joining just look for our server (right now its SM NAME CHANGE!) and ill usually b in there. If its not up u can just search for player <=FotS=> if it comes up with a server that has <=FotS=>S][TH]-[eaRT then he can try u out as well. We are currently working on our website (sry) so just email me if u need any info.:) thx.

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That's a bad mistake. :disaprove You don't want the mods to get all medieval on your heiny. Trust me. Next time, use the small button on the lower right hand of your post labeled "Edit."



Oh, and next time, try not to do this again, then you'll be on my good side. :D

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