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Why do players hate this? all I see is push pull hore or its windy in here tonight... ok if your a Rage player it might be annoying, but then again you spamming DFA with rage on gets annoying so bad luck to you. ok when I am flag running if no one pulls/push me, I find it hard getting back to me home plate, besbin shafts a good example: run in jump across grab the flag, then your being pulled about, tops the old force up..hit speed ya gone!! also if some one push/pulls me of a ledge well I say: working as intended, and my stupid fault for not doing something about it before hand.


What makes this game so great is the fact you have different ways/means of doing something, blast them or saber maybe grip or push them of a ledge.. even kick has its place. and my pet hate mind trick (nerf it I say :p j/k) when playing on public servers you have to turn things to your advantage, you might not have clan members playing with you, so absorb can be used to top the old force up, make sure you have bacta with you as public players tend to think of them self's before a team. when I play on servers with no power ups, try member to load them points in to team heal and energize.


some of the players I see quit on games as they are losing are not team players them self's, so why shout my teams crap (got to say some times you end up in a team, that is best to quit the game than pull your hair out LOL)


the only thing that I would say is the worst about this game was saber dmg lowered, apart from that its a great game.


And so many Thing to love about it... just running around with a saber the game gets top points, mix that with the ability to do high jumps and flips different moves with the saber, and my hat gos of to people like Nutritious and there ability with the old weapon, you could shoot a flea off a rats arse with out hitting the rat. and some of the players I respect like Loki man you rock with the old sniper rifle. and lady Chatterley (sp?) as though your not a player that get a great high score all the time, you don't flame chat but keep on grinding to stop the other players. and Hyper a Game is not game with out you trying to talk a winning side player to the losing side so you can swap to the winning side LOL and there is Rafiky (sp?) great flag runner.... and so many others that I cant member there names. I was in a game the other night and a player cant member his name, but he kept fragging my arse when I got the flag, he was playing great, at the end of the game he said, am I annoying you Ranger... but left before I could answer.. it would of been No... well yes its annoying, but No to the point that to play against people like him makes you play better. ok he got my arse 90pct of the time but if all games was Win Win Win you win 12 points to 0 man that would be sooo boring.


Ok sorry for the long arse post, but it has to be said this game kicks arse, and if they bring a new version out, hope its just as kick arse as this one :)

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Originally posted by griff38

Don't apologize its a good post, push pull is my 3rd or 4th most common way to score in FFA.


See my stats below.



Falling is the general term for a push pull kill


Your stat link is not working my friend


I normally play CtF so push/pull you don't see many kills that way, as they have normally suicide by then. but great way to stop a flag runner if he making a run with out absorb. what I normally see is a player run in with rage on, and people trying to hack him up.. takes to long and he can be in his territory before you get a chance to kill him, and most prob got heal by then. what I tend to find a good way with players with rage, and no drops to put them down, is to pull, pull kick what ever you can do to stop him getting away, as soon as rage is finished he will be easy meat :)


hehe in FFA it would be my main way to score, as with a saber I am next to useless. GIVE ME MORE GUNS :p

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Hehe.... Push and Pull are my friends :D I play a lot of CTF as well and there is no better way to hold up a flag carrier than with push/pull. I hate it when I'm flag running though, but it's part of the game and I have gotten used to it. People with rage have the advantage in CTF gun servers. But absorb is still good as well. Especially on Warring Factions. Anyways, I admit that I'm a saber guy. It was one of the main reasons why I bought this game. I am learning the trade of guns though. Actually, come to think of it, this is my first fps games. (I didn't play that much of JKI) What servers do u play at?

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I play on United Corusent (sp?) as I love pull B/S the smack talkers. some one calls me Gay and I reply Yep wana kiss, then go a hunting for him, and make his life miserable... teach them to go round bad mouthing players lol. Whats funny is no mater how you kill them they say Gun hore or Pull Hore or Grip/ B/S kick monkey yadda yadda yadda... what you think I am going to stand there trying to saber you to death.. no chance go to go kill the guy with me flag.


I like the server, I doubt you will as I know how much you hate backstab.. as its enabled on this server. I don't mind it as its very rare if they get the move on me. and I just love the players who walk backwards hehehe easy meat.


I was in a game last night.. it was not going to well, we was losing 7 to 0 then all of a sudden we are starting to win flags at a fast rate OMG Nutritious joined in (well I am 90% sure it was him) that guy is a god we ran out of time in the end, but we went from 7 - 0 to 7 - 6 hehehe



My tip to any one out there that wants to get good is to watch the Video's the players have made. as I have learnt sooo much just watching them, plus go in to spectators mode to and watch there to.

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

then all of a sudden we are starting to win flags at a fast rate OMG Nutritious joined in (well I am 90% sure it was him) that guy is a god we ran out of time in the end, but we went from 7 - 0 to 7 - 6 hehehe .



Yea that was probably him, I have seen him do the same thing. Join a ffa that had just a minute or 2 left and finish in 1rst place.


How about my stat link is is still not available? Nobody can see it but it works for me everytime. ??????

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Originally posted by griff38

How about my stat link is is still not available? Nobody can see it but it works for me everytime. ??????

It doesn't work for me either. Can't find server.


Push/Pull are very useful, like when you get knocked down and you push someone away who is trying to chop you. A well timed push/pull is a thing of beauty.


Hey griff38, were you playing on TheForce.net server last night (Monday)? IIRC there was someone named griff on there. My JO name is Qui-Zan Buuzza...

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Originally posted by Prime

It doesn't work for me either. Can't find server.


Push/Pull are very useful, like when you get knocked down and you push someone away who is trying to chop you. A well timed push/pull is a thing of beauty.


Hey griff38, were you playing on TheForce.net server last night (Monday)? IIRC there was someone named griff on there. My JO name is Qui-Zan Buuzza...


Thanks for the heads u about the link guys.


Yea i was playing there and yes I remember that name :) Did I snipe you? :) I seem to remember that......... or were we trying to jump up into the Narshadaa alcove?

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Hey Griff, the link is working for me now... Where did you get your stats page? Yeah, Nutritious is one hell of a player. Glad he was on my team :) I also dl some of his work... very nice. Anyways, here is my stats. Sorry that they aren't nice and neat like griffs.

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Originally posted by griff38

Yea i was playing there and yes I remember that name :) Did I snipe you? :) I seem to remember that......... or were we trying to jump up into the Narshadaa alcove?

You got me from the alcove when I was on the other side. But I sniped you while you were there trying to snipe someone else :) I also alt-fired the my repeater at you there a few times. It was a fun game.
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Originally posted by Prime

You got me from the alcove when I was on the other side. But I sniped you while you were there trying to snipe someone else :) I also alt-fired the my repeater at you there a few times. It was a fun game.



Well, I made some demos of all that if you want to see em, I got to 2 quick back to back snipes from up there before you tagged me.


Har Har yes it was fun.



OK yolkboy your turn, I can't see YOUR stats :)

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

I was in a game last night.. it was not going to well, we was losing 7 to 0 then all of a sudden we are starting to win flags at a fast rate OMG Nutritious joined in (well I am 90% sure it was him) that guy is a god we ran out of time in the end, but we went from 7 - 0 to 7 - 6 hehehe there to.


lol yeah that was me. I tried so hard to tie it up before the game ended, but to no avail ;)

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hehehe I noticed you a few times on that server now :)

we not worthy we not worthy


and I would like to say that them pull hore backstabbers like me seem to not be able to stop you.... Your KING



just in case you not got the message Nutrious I think your great



and before the lamers rip in to me... yeaa dam right I am sucking up.... as that way hopefully he will join games on my side. as I don't want to try stop him LOL



I only noticed you after some time as I don't rely look at the chat to much, as its mostly your gay and such chat... and if I catch it I normally just say: Yep I am Gay wana Kiss LOL


what I noticed was that you was in half the time than me, yet you was beating me in score LOL and I have to say before he joined in, I was top of my team and man did we have a bad team.

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BTW Nutritious when is your next Vid comming out as they rock Nutritious is my fav vid that how i lernt to flag run in Besbin shafts my fav map ( i can jump to platform and to window ) and thats even with the so called lammer pull/push as well :) they top my force up :p

Pistolero is my second fav great put together vid.... Nutr any tips on sniping!! or using the wokkie (sp?) blaster



or any one got a vid in the works?

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Reasons why I don't like pull/push much:


  • its too easy, I know its a common complaint, but you only have to aim roughly in the direction of someone to affect them
  • even with absorb its an uphill struggle to get away, I don't mind getting killed by pull/push in FFA, that's fair enough. But in CTF all it succeeds at doing is agrivating the target. Its like running on a backwards conveyer belt, its not impossible but its just so damn annoying.
  • originally I thought that pull/push effectiveness was based on the target's velocity, but it turns out that when using Rage, even if you remain stationary you can still get thrown around like a doll


Now, i'll admit I use pull/push on occasion when its necessary, but what made me effectively quit playing JK2 were the players who use NOTHING but pull/push for an entire map rotation before leaving. To confirm these players actually exist, look at the servers with higher mana regen (allows you to pull/push almost non-stop), these servers are insanely popular for some reason. So not only do these players exist, but they seem to be in the majority :(


I'm awaiting the sequel/expansion in hope that these issues get addressed, i've no complaints with what pull/push do, my complaint is that it's too easy.

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Yeah, Push and Pull have its place... But sometimes it's over used... as for my stats... I dunno what's wrong. I can view it. Yahoo must have something against us. Yeah... when you can view them (if ever) they are for CTF. I don't really play FFA because 1/2 the time I'm killed in a group by a rocket or other splash damage weapon. Anyways, I like teamplay games better. Happy Fragging! :D

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even with absorb its an uphill struggle to get away, I don't mind getting killed by pull/push in FFA, that's fair enough. But in CTF all it succeeds at doing is agrivating the target. Its like running on a backwards conveyer belt, its not impossible but its just so damn annoying


if you got the room to Jump.. Jump as they cant resist to Pull and top up what ever Force you are using to jump.. on maps with low roofs.. well strife jumping works well


with Push pushing you around like a rag doll.. well what I see in game is if your are moving using force (in any form i.e rage to) or even swinging your weapon it works twice as better and as you say get thrown around like a rag doll.


its too easy, I know its a common complaint, but you only have to aim roughly in the direction of someone to affect them
I did not ever think about this.. maybe because Push Pull has no effect on how I play.. but yea maybe it should of been to use it on some one you had to have them in your target!! hehehe would be cool if it was able to be tested and see how it would work in games.


. To confirm these players actually exist, look at the servers with higher Force regen (allows you to pull/push almost non-stop), these servers are insanely popular for some reason. So not only do these players exist, but they seem to be in the majority
I tend to stay away from these servers, as in CtF the Flag runner just runs about like a loony with no way of killing him less he falls of a shelf.




look at the servers with higher mana regen
you a EQ player my friend?
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Actually I think i've figured out what really makes me hate push/pull:


As no doubt many of you can relate to, I liked occasionally jumping onto a server where everyone is of a much lower skill level than me, winning a couple of games then leave. This isn't because I'm so full of myself that I can brag about the victory, but after a long day I like to be able to just play a few "no-brainers" to relax. In games like JK, UT and Quake 3 this is possible. The games work as a method of unwinding. But in JK2, the crappy players can infuriate even the best players, which means that its very hard to find a game where you can just relax and enjoy the occasionally skillful moment.


When I played JK2 competitively it was more fun, because I was always in the mindset for using every trick in the book to win. But when I stopped playing with clans, the game just got boring... My motivation for playing changed from "playing to win", to "playing for fun and appreciation of skill", this is when I suddenly hated all the "easy" moves.

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Actually I think i've figured out what really makes me hate push/pull:


As no doubt many of you can relate to, I liked occasionally jumping onto a server where everyone is of a much lower skill level than me, winning a couple of games then leave. This isn't because I'm so full of myself that I can brag about the victory, but after a long day I like to be able to just play a few "no-brainers" to relax. In games like JK, UT and Quake 3 this is possible. The games work as a method of unwinding. But in JK2, the crappy players can infuriate even the best players, which means that its very hard to find a game where you can just relax and enjoy the occasionally skillful moment.


When I played JK2 competitively it was more fun, because I was always in the mindset for using every trick in the book to win. But when I stopped playing with clans, the game just got boring... My motivation for playing changed from "playing to win", to "playing for fun and appreciation of skill", this is when I suddenly hated all the "easy" moves.


aye I know what you are saying, I nomaly find on most servers, and on map Besbin Shafts that push/pull is used A LOT, you get the guy running in and you push him over a edge, he get very upset and calls you a push hore.. but nomaly you will find that player doing the dam same thing. I dont let push/pull anger me in any way. i have even missed timed the Jump across in besbin shaft but as there was so many pull/pushing trying to get rid of me, it actuly lifted me back up form sertain death and put me on the platform. if you trying to play a relax game i find all i need is absorb as it stops all the grip pull and lighting, and you can get down to some simple carving up. hooo and seeing is a good one to as stops the invis lamer to... Did i say that maindtrick needs to be nurfed :p J/K :p :P :p

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pushing and pulling is just fine with me except when i spawn, turn on absorb and 2 seconds later i have full force again. that and i cant stand people that stand in 1 place and pull pull pull pull pull or, on increased force regen servers, pull pull pull pull pull pull pull pull (you get my drift). i mean it's fine if you're gonna pull me to stop me from strafing and shoot me with a rocket or something but damn just pulling me for no friggin reason just pisses me off. i really really hate it when people stand on ledges or behind walls on bespin exhaust and just pull pull pull. they really need to put a timer on it like push has so that it cant be spammed. it's a fine tactic and i dont really mind the people that pull 5 times in a row as it just gives me full force again but i just wish people would learn how to aim instead. bah i hate silly n00bs. so next time you pull someone (if this is how you get kills) pull them and then shoot a rocket while they're stunned. that way at least you used more than 1 button to kill them =)


p.s. oh yea if you wanna stop "invis lamers" just turn off the game music and turn up the sound effects (and maybe buy headphones) you'll be able to hear their mindtricks and their footsteps. there ya go free force seeing (unless you're deaf)

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Originally posted by Aoshi

pushing and pulling is just fine with me except when i spawn, turn on absorb and 2 seconds later i have full force again. that and i cant stand people that stand in 1 place and pull pull pull pull pull or, on increased force regen servers, pull pull pull pull pull pull pull pull (you get my drift). i mean it's fine if you're gonna pull me to stop me from strafing and shoot me with a rocket or something but damn just pulling me for no friggin reason just pisses me off. i really really hate it when people stand on ledges or behind walls on bespin exhaust and just pull pull pull. they really need to put a timer on it like push has so that it cant be spammed. it's a fine tactic and i dont really mind the people that pull 5 times in a row as it just gives me full force again but i just wish people would learn how to aim instead. bah i hate silly n00bs. so next time you pull someone (if this is how you get kills) pull them and then shoot a rocket while they're stunned. that way at least you used more than 1 button to kill them =)


p.s. oh yea if you wanna stop "invis lamers" just turn off the game music and turn up the sound effects (and maybe buy headphones) you'll be able to hear their mindtricks and their footsteps. there ya go free force seeing (unless you're deaf)

Yea there are always exception to the rule "on increased force regen servers" i hate these servers and do not play on them. hehehe with mind trick i am just being facetious(sp?), as i have seeing on 2 :)
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