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First Level in jedi knight 2

mYsTiC NeMeSis

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Originally posted by mYsTiC NeMeSis

i saw these white guys coming out of no where


:rofl: thats classic...wait until you get to the shadowtroopers :D


Anyways, dont shoot the hot chick, because she is a friend, so dont shoot your friend, but shoot the "white guys". Try sneaking up to your enemies and taking as many out as possible before they discover and attack you.

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Once again, do you have any experience with StarWars? Stormtroopers were known by almost all of us long before JK2.


Correction on my first post. About the e11 blaster rifles: "They're" better. Not "It's" better.


Oooooh Wassup is right. If you think the stormies came out of nowhere, Shadow Troopers. They are invisible when their lightsabers are off. You just see an extremely faint blue outline. Suddenly, a saber appears and they fade into vision. They have lightsabers and the force, but don't worry, so will you.


Don't be intimidated. This is a very fun game. Don't be scared by the death threads. I hate those. They scare off new and fad followers(I just made fad followers up to include those who go to a new game as soon as it comes out and completely leaves it when it's done) The game is NOT dead. We have many huge mods and levels coming out in the next few months. It won't be dead for at least a year. I'm not going to stop playing until LONG after a year.


One hint though. If someone is staring at you and doing nothing DON'T shoot them. The more powerful ones will then attack you. Then when they kill you, they kill the one that killed you and then kills the one that killed him/her and the process repeats until there is one left. Pretty entertaining to watch.

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Originally posted by mYsTiC NeMeSis

This is too hard.


I think all i got is some pistol thats it. and after a while, i saw these white guys coming out of no where and starts shooting at me and i saw this woman staring at me and i shot her and then i found myself dead...




Don't give up just yet. If you are completely new to the Jedi Knight games, I recommend you choose the 'Padawan' difficulty level the first time you play. That will make enemies easier to handle.


As others have said, the pretty woman is Jan Ors, your ally and friend, who will help you to dispose of the enemies. You have to give her some protection too (don't let her get shot too many times), because if she dies, it is Game Over.


When enemies drop weapons, you can pick them up and use them yourself. The pistol you start with (the Bryar pistol) has a second fire mode that is more powerful. Simply charge it up using the right mouse button, and take careful aim. Head shots to enemies take them down much faster than body shots, so always aim for the head, if you can.


It's a good idea to get hold of one of the heavier blasters (the E-11) early on, and use the right mouse button to enter rapid-fire mode for that particular weapon, which is useful at close range. Keep an eye on your ammunition level, though.


A good tactic, if you are under heavy fire, is to find some cover to hide behind.


If you are finding your mouse movement too sluggish, then go into the menus and adjust the Mouse Sensitivity to suit your needs. I always find it is set too low.


Some people have had problems with the dynamic crosshair (which is enabled by default). Personally I find it annoying, and usually turn it off. To do this, you need to enter the console, type in helpusobi 1, press [RETURN], then type cg_drawdynamiccrosshair 0 (I think that's right, but it's been a little while since I played). You should then have a standard crosshair that doesn't seem to have a life of it's own. WARNING: this will disable the 3rd person crosshair - and you will need to re-enable the dynamic crosshair later on when you obtain Force powers, because it changes to show you when you can use a particular Force power).


JK2 really is a fun game, but the first few levels can be hard for those new to the series of games. I hope you persevere with it.


Anyway, welcome to the forums. We're largely a friendly bunch, and if you have any more questions or difficulties, be sure to post them so we can help you out. ;)


Here...have one of these...




It's a chocolate Jedi Medallion, and they're delicious. :cool:

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Originally posted by mYsTiC NeMeSis

LoL :D


But wat is dynamic corsshair?:confused:


The dynamic crosshair is turned on by default. It is the crosshair you currently see on the screen, and it changes colour to show who is friendly (green) and who is an enemy (red). You may notice that when you move your viewpoint, the crosshair in the centre of the screen sometimes snaps around to fix on an enemy. It was supposed to help with targeting...but I find it more of a hindrance than a help.


When you get your Force powers, the crosshair reticule will change to show you which kind of Force power you can use on an object.


You can turn off this dynamic crosshair, and revert to the old standard crosshair, which does not change colour, move around, or change to show that you can interact with objects with the Force.

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sometimes snaps around to fix on an enemy


I never noticed that.


The bryar, though not good in most cases, is good for long ranged, charged shots at an enemy that doesn't know of your presence. It is accurate and can kill with a fully charged shot to the head (the rifle can do this, but it is inaccurate). If you think that's fast, wait till you see the heavy repeater.

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