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New style of playing tffa


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Um, oh yeah, I've got something for you........


*Tosses YanaVenter and Ryudom a gold lightsaber hilt that looks like a fishing pole.*


It's my official LucasForums welcome gift! No matter what others may say, if you rub it, a genie will come out and grant you an unlimited amount of wishes! :animelol:

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Originally posted by YanaVenter

Ok firstly, i once again i aplogise for my flaming, i had just watched the simpsons episode when the fat dude said that almost same thing to bart. You know the one about how the bum made itchy and scratchy.....anyway, sorry.

We kind got off on the wrong foot, and your apology is accepted, and sorry if I was too harsh :)


That's a great Simpson's line, for sure...


Originally posted by YanaVenter

Prime - Ill try to record me or someone else using the blue attacks. The back and forth that you guys talk about is very effective if you get good at it, and plays a major part in the move.


There are a number of ways to get extra damage when using the saber. Im sure you would know about the yellow move that can do 60 damage in seeminly 1 hit? If you dont, then what happens when you swing to the left twice, you bring your saber from the left to the right then left correct? Well the transition between the two left hits also counts as a hit. By pressing left, then holding forward+left will do this move. This is a pretty widely known move.


The blue hit that can do 90 damage is based on the same kinda bug, but this one is more obviously presented when it is done.

Press left, and then at the end of the swing press forward + right. You can chain it by repeat it directly afterwards. You can visually see the model jerking to the other side. That jerk is where most of the damage comes from.

I know about the yellow one, but I'm still a little unclear about the blue one. A demo or something would go a long way. Explaining these sorts of things is difficult with just words.
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hmm.. sounds interesting. heh i don't know if i knew about that, but i'm still not sure if you know what i'm talking about with countering (might have been just the way you worded it)


i wouldn't mind having a game if you have time, so check your PM's heh

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eh i thought the 90 damage move was one that i used way back when i was a duelist. it's actually a 110 damage combo but if you factor out the kick it becomes 90. you can also easily chain the back-forth blue glitch into the combo so that it becomes instant kill. all you do is run in and kick, (do the glitch with blue that does 90 damage) then quickly lunge into their defense (you will only get one of the animations most likely for 30 damage and you MUST hit with this lunge or you're completely open and pretty much dead) so then that becomes 140 and if they're still alive after the lunge you immediately throw which causes another 30 damage and at that point is unblockable due to the saber animation of your opponent. kick lunge throw is the 110 point attack i was referring to earlier and it normally works because people are so eager to counter your kick that they continue to hold forward and will pretty much just run into your lunge. then they will be unable to attack or defend for a second due to the lunge defense animation and you can easily throw them or combo them again.

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Originally posted by YanaVenter

Hmmm i guess to the rest of the world, skill with the saber doesnt matter.

Kicking is lame, its a free 20 hp gone with no skill needed to use it.

Force....im not even going to go there about how bad it is unless you playing around with it for fun.


Jesus, are you part of one of those saber noob codes? That's all I hear. "WAH WAH DON'T USE THAT LAME FORCE ON ME!!!"


Why the hell do you think they put it in the game?

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Since its almost the weekend (timewise im ahead of your guys big time), ill have alot more time on my hands to film some moves going down.


Im gonna play ryudon, dunno about ^_- <--abusing me isnt gonna make me play you (irony at its best).


Ive got major exams on atm that go towards my final marks, so its a high pressure time, so forgive me for the wait. Im sure you wont be dissapointed.

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Its great that you still have force for the force fighters. I to tell the truth suck at force and find no skill in it, AT FIRST GLANCE. After training to use force I found that its not only the ownage fun its not easy by any means and takes skill. Your Idea is cool, but kick also isnt easy. Do you realize how close you have to be to a person to kick him if you dont have pull?? Pressed up to his saber almost thats not easy ether.

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Why we abolished kick in rounds is because if we didnt, someone could legally in a clan match, whore it degrading the game play. I dont know about anyone else, but i side kick ALL the time because i jump alot. So when i play tffa i usually have to turn my jump down to 1 so i cant kick.

And if you read the rules for rounds, in a clan match you kick, you stay out for that round.


EDIT: Why i am against force is becuase i used to use it when i first started out. But was in awe of better players who didnt need to use it to kick my arse. So i deceided i would go bare minimum to be saber masta dude ^_^.

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Force > sabers


Was like that in the movies, same in the game.


Complex Force based combos require the use of multiple keys and the speed at which they have to be done is far greater than simply "forward + attack, left +attack, forward +attack".


Sabers simply have too many random elements to be considered "skillful" to me.


The damage is not consistent.

Some times the red heavy does this amount, sometimes it does that amount.



The blocking is random.

Same exact swing done twice on an immobile opponent:


Sometimes it gets deflected, sometimes it makes it through.




The hit detection is not precise.


I've seen a clean swing pass right through the exposed flesh and so has every other saber player reading this.

Ping had noting to do with it either.

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oh and uh good game YanaVenter, but as you can see, any competent dakrsider can slaughter any good lightsider.


and just so you know, i wasn't even trying, hell i even let you win 3 (the fourth was me being and idiot and missing my pt and pulling ur red overhead into me lol)

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Acctually its not random, look at the source of the saber code if you can understand it, i know i cant for most parts. But you do pick up some of it and ill say now its not random. Its all factored on where yuo are coming from and which moves you are doing and what they are doing and which moves they are doing.


On force being skillful, i just dont like the fact that you can pull + throw etc and basically get free hits. Or using kick extensivly. With the match i had today against rumor, one match i was on 6/25. That isnt considered fun by me or my friends to just be kicking.

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Originally posted by YanaVenter

On force being skillful, i just dont like the fact that you can pull + throw etc and basically get free hits. Or using kick extensivly. With the match i had today against rumor, one match i was on 6/25. That isnt considered fun by me or my friends to just be kicking.




No such thing as a free hit guy, big misconception there.


That's the biggest misconception about kicking that it's un blockable.


Sure there is no "newbie friendly" auto block system to save you as in sabering.

But if you are smart, fast and skilled you won't get kicked if you don't want to.

With kicks you have to manually dodge them and counter them.


Ducking, rolling, predicting, side stepping using pull and push properly all can make you literally un kickable.


I have noticed that a lot of NF players have pretty poor evasive skills in my experience when NF dueling.


Generally all I ever see them do is simple back/side steps (due mainly in part to the slow pace of NF combat).


Trying to just stand there and "move back a little" will simply get you killed in FF combat or kick fighting.


The pace is much faster and you simply must possess the fast evasive skills FF players do.


Literally everything shot/thrown/aimed at us HAS to be manually dodged and the speed of a saber throw > pull > kick combo (and the speed required to dodge it) is a Hell of a lot faster than some guy running in with a heavy swing.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

No such thing as a free hit guy, big misconception there.


That's the biggest misconception about kicking that it's un blockable.


Sure there is no "newbie friendly" auto block system to save you as in sabering.

But if you are smart, fast and skilled you won't get kicked if you don't want to.

With kicks you have to manually dodge them and counter them.


Ducking, rolling, predicting, side stepping using pull and push properly all can make you literally un kickable.


I have noticed that a lot of NF players have pretty poor evasive skills in my experience when NF dueling.


Generally all I ever see them do is simple back/side steps (due mainly in part to the slow pace of NF combat).


Trying to just stand there and "move back a little" will simply get you killed in FF combat or kick fighting.


The pace is much faster and you simply must possess the fast evasive skills FF players do.


Literally everything shot/throw/aimed at us HAS to be manually dodged and the speed of a saber throw > pull > kick combo (and the speed required to dodge it) is a Hell of a lot faster than some guy running in with a heavy swing.

damn straight. hell i basically NFed him during it, with a few kicks and pts, and some draining to keep him from healing all the time
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The only force i used was absorb, not heal.

Usually there isnt crap that a NF player can do against a FF player. Only thing is to get lucky with a special move, or hit with some well placed shots in succession, because otherwise the FF can run and heal themselves.

And might i add i cannot stand throw. Its even below force using in my opinion. Its the only power that ive turned off on the server i admin, with the rare exception of seeing when we play hide and seek which is strangly addictive at 2 in the morning on ffa_ns_streets...........

no one has ever complained about throw not being on.

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Ok I am no Great player (well I must be quite good as loads of players call me noob and gay so I must be doing some thing right :p ) the thing with Kick it is apart of the game. try things like stepping away and duck, they soon get fed up of trying to kick thin air, then counter.... blue lunge can be good


not using Force.. to me what made this game great was the force and sabers. I play CtF and push on a ledge map gets used A LOT. but do I complain..... never good old absorb on and I can go a entire game at full force to them kind players trying to push me off


I like the idea of what you was trying to say. but as you can see from the flames people don't like codes, you must do this you get kicked off if you do that!! if you don't like force turn the powers off, but to tell people not to kick and all that will not happen. you will find that no one will visit (unless they are there to try ruin you game and yes they will come) if you look on other post's in this forum you will see a subject about Saber Code "SC" and Anti Saber Code "ASC" read them and you will under stand a lot more on why you got flames.



it would be great for a TFFA (with out codes) that when you die your dead tell next round, would make great games like there is 3v1 left and the 1 wins the game. hehehe that would be great fun.... I would say leave force on in these games, that would then make players play as healers and force zingers, plus would get rid on the camping side of things, i.e have seeing and on and no one could camp or hide. plus if you have guns in the game to, having force powers would balance it up very well.


p.s if you do enable force in these type of games, leave out the medi pack and shilds, as then its down to how good your team is if you win or not :)

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