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Help pls..Big problem!


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Hi, rescently I had made a back up copy of JK2 for a friend on CD. He never played it or installed it and months later I lost my original. I got the burned one back from him then and I relized I couldn't play the game anymore. I assume JK2 has some sort of CD protection on it so you can't burn it however I still have most of the nessissary files and was wondering if someone knew what file(s) I am missing by burning the CD and if it's possible to download them ect. If someone could pls get back to me that would be wondefull! I'm dieing to play this game agian. Thanks alot in advance.


P.S. My CD shows I have these files





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Hmmm I think its something wrong with your PC or Disc, cause I burnt me a backup copy and im using it right now...so theres no protection thing on mine. As Prime said its probally corrupt, so just burn you another copy and it should work.

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Sorry, That I Can't Help You. Like the others said, the CD burn probably wasn't complete or was corrupted. I also play on my backup CD. (Actually, I already went through one. It is now a JKII Coaster for my Mugs :D) There isn't a copy protection since I'm on my 2nd backup and it works perfectly. I'm glad that Lucas didn't put copy protection because I know that my original would be messed up by now. Hope they don't put one on JK3. I'm going to need back ups for that too.

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