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custom textures/canvas size


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Okay so I learned the hard way that the largest canvas a texture can be is 512 in any direction, I've been making like a "band" texture (a guillded thing for a column) so it's a really small texture. What is the smallest texture canvas I can put in radiant?

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Actually, I'm not sure what the maximum size is for a texture in JO, so long as the dimensions of the image are a power of 2. I've used 1024 with no problems whatsoever.


So long as your image size (not canvas size) dimensions are in a power of 2, I don't see why you could make it as small as 2x2.












So long as the dimensions match one of those numbers, you should be good to go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried using 2 x 4 and 40 x 80. These sizes are not liked by the editors in my opinion. So stick with what everyone else does.


512 x 512 512 x 1024 256 x 1024 128 x 512


All of these sizes seem to be most acceptable so you won't get any errors.

So stick with 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048........:D

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40 and 80 won't work because they are not powers of 2!!! (You can't get them by raising 2 to some exponent, such as 2^4 = 16).


Plenty of the game textures have sides of dimensions 32, 64, or 128, and the colors texture set contains 16x16 textures (Or are they 8x8? Anyways, very small). 1024x1024 definitely works.

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