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Save Problem


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I fear that this is "by design". Currently in Ceylon, I still have trouble with the crocodiles and the "adventure mode" traps. I don't know how many times I had to start over from the beginning of this chapter.

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agree...this sucks so much start all over again..:mad: :mad: im begining to hate this thing i dont have all day to play games and when i have some free time i spend 3 hours finishing a level:mad:


also i want a camera lock option i dont know why devs doesnt include all this things..


On infernal machine we all have this options i dont why the hell they change this :rolleyes:


enough bitching for me today


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You're right, it't really not that hard. I remember that during the first time playing Infernal Machine I got killed far more often. With Emperor's Tomb this is entirely different. Winning a combat is very easy as far as I experienced. Puzzles virtually don't exist. However, traps are harder to overcome and jumps seem to be more difficult IMO. Infernal Machine was much more a challenge for me. However, graphics and sound are much better in Emperor's Tomb.

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The puzzles start to appear once you have finished the semi-tutorial level of Ceylon. Even then though, they are still fairly straightforward (even more so, if you are use to playing these sort of games). I think this is because, unlike Infernal Machine, Emperor's Tomb is like a 'follow the yellow brick road' sort of game, you just keep going in the direction the game forces you to. From memory Infernal machine dumped you into open spaces and you had to piece together all the clues which is more difficult I think.

Overall though, I'm enjoying it.

If you manage to find hidden gems, what is the consequence of this?

I think I miss the Indy Quotient meter too.........

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From memory, i think it was an indicator of how well you completed a level. I think the number of 'hidden gems' you found was one of the factors that went into your IQ for that level. Was the time you took to complete the level a factor also? i can't remember. In Emperor's Tomb, I have found some hidden gems (at which point Indy makes a comment about becoming rich) but other than that I can't see what their effect on the game is if you discover one.......

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In Fate Of Atlantis the IQ calculation was quite complex. Almost everything counted,, e.g. if you had a look at the bones lying around and stuff like that.


In Infernal Machine it just depends on the number of treasures you found, each level has 10 and if you found all of them you got the highest possible IQ. However, the problem is that after the game has finished there is no way to query the IQ value...

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Hi this is Chris.


I have the Indiana Jones game and it's very cool. The music, the sounds and graphics are brilliant.


There is one thing that really sucks, really bothers me. One of the most stupidest things Lucasarts could have ever done in an Indy game.


The way i have to finish a level then i can save at the end of it. Why did they do such a thing, for what dumb purpose.


Can't you guy's ask Lucasarts to make a patch so that you can save in between while you play.


A Quick Save Patch is not mutch to ask, because the game automaticly saves a level itself.


This is the first game i have seen where you can save at the end of a level, this sucks.


This Emperor Tomb game is great, plus Indy's face looks like Harrison Ford.


I was tempted when the next game was being created, so i bought it. Despite the warning that you could only save at an end of a level, what can i say i love Indiana Jones.


Really guy's, please write a letter to Lucasarts and tell them to make a patch so that you can save in-between gameplay.

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If LEC can patch this game and add a quicksave and fix the bugs it would make the game great. I've skipped countless levels because I die and get tired of playng the same level over and over. I love Indiana Jones too. That is why I have to play this game.

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Hi this is Chris.


I first have to say the game is excellent by far.


I die allot, because there is no Quick save in the game.


Let's all hope and ask Lucasarts to make a patch for a Quick save and a Quick Load.


I really hope they add to the patch a Camera lock on Indy. It's frustraiting when i turn, i have to press a button to turn the camera.


The game is kind of slow and i can't focus that well. My resolution is to the lowest and all my other settings are off and the game jus't make it. Is it an error, because why does Warcraft 3 run so smooth on my Computer and other games too.


This is what i have on my Computer, what is wrong.


18.6GB Harddrive


256.0 MB of Ram


Geforce2 MX/MX 400 3D Card


DirectX 8.1


Pentium 4


Windows 98


Avance AC97 Audio Sound Card


Used Space: 4.50GB


Free Space: 14.1GB


Capacity: 18.6GB


All my other games work fine.


Im at the Underworld Level after escaping the General's revenge.


How does one skip levels, is there a cheat.


Please write back, thank you.

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Originally posted by daventry

Hi this is Chris.


I first have to say the game is excellent by far.


I die allot, because there is no Quick save in the game.


Let's all hope and ask Lucasarts to make a patch for a Quick save and a Quick Load.


I really hope they add to the patch a Camera lock on Indy. It's frustraiting when i turn, i have to press a button to turn the camera.


The game is kind of slow and i can't focus that well. My resolution is to the lowest and all my other settings are off and the game jus't make it. Is it an error, because why does Warcraft 3 run so smooth on my Computer and other games too.


This is what i have on my Computer, what is wrong.


18.6GB Harddrive


256.0 MB of Ram


Geforce2 MX/MX 400 3D Card


DirectX 8.1


Pentium 4


Windows 98


Avance AC97 Audio Sound Card


Used Space: 4.50GB


Free Space: 14.1GB


Capacity: 18.6GB


All my other games work fine.


Im at the Underworld Level after escaping the General's revenge.


How does one skip levels, is there a cheat.


Please write back, thank you.


What I had to do was buy a gamepad with a left and right thumbstick. I bought one for $18 at Wal-Mart. The left thumbstick controls Indy and the right thumbstick controls the scenery. I now can control Indy perfectly. If you push the left thumbstick up a little Indy walks and if you push it up all the way Indy runs.


Your 3D card may be why ET is running so slow. The MX 400 is kind of slow. Might want to upgrade to a GeForce 3 or 4. ET demands a lot from the PC. Also make sure the shadows are off. The shadows slowed down my P4 1.8 GHz with GeForce3.


You can download a save game file and a cheat file at the link below.




This game needs a quicksave and a patch to fix the bugs.

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Hi this is Chris.


I first have to say the game is excellent by far.


I die allot, because there is no Quick save in the game.


Let's all hope Lucasarts make a patch for a Quick save and a Quick Load.


I really hope they add to the patch a Camera lock on Indy. It's frustraiting when i turn, i have to press a button to turn the camera.


The game is kind of slow and i can't focus that well. My resolution is to the lowest and all my other settings are off and the game jus't make it. Is it a bug, because why does Warcraft 3 run so smooth on my Computer and other games too.


I was at the part where i shot airplanes with a machine gun while standing on a cable car and i could hardly move the mouse because it did not follow my moves quickly. I died allot there.


This is what i have on my Computer, what is wrong.


18.6GB Harddrive


256.0 MB of Ram


Geforce2 MX/MX 400 3D Card


DirectX 8.1


Pentium 4


Windows 98


Avance AC97 Audio Sound Card


Used Space: 4.50GB


Free Space: 14.1GB


Capacity: 18.6GB


All my other games work fine.


Im at the Underworld Level after escaping the General's revenge.


How does one skip levels, is there a cheat.

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