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SW Galaxies in the Future....


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Has anyone ever mentioned what will happen in the future with Star Wars Galaxies (i.e. after about 5 years or so and the "new" has worn off with SWG, and the number of players start decreasing, are they planning on shutting down certain servers or closing the game down altogether)? I know that seems hard to believe right now, as excited as I am about the release, and as excited as I'm sure you are, but I would imagine that the casual gamer will migrate away from this game as well and on to other things. The rest of us however I'm sure would like to say... perhaps for a very long time. Just wondering if this has ever been brought up before, and what the developers have said about their vision for the extended future of the game.

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Well, since SOE owns Everquest, and they're the ones in charge of SWG, it's not hard to imagine how things will evolve. I mean, EQ is old. Really old. Yet, it gets more and more subscribers every day. However, SWG has a more flexible graphics engine (or so we're told) that enables the graphic standard to be improved as our hardware are upgraded, so we don't need a SWG2 (unlike EQ).


Expect a fair share of expansions with new planets, professions, spaceships, vehicles, battlezones, playable species etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No way is this going to get old that fast. Look how far back the older ones came out and you still watch those. And if it is like AC or another MMORPG like that then new stuff will be added ea h month and if big additions are needed they will just make a expansion pack. So 5 years from launch date i think that SWG will have the biggest number of players for any MMORPG period

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Think about this, how many star wars conventions do they have arround the US only. And millions of people go some of the huge ones. So i mean if half the people that went to these conventions played it would be bigger than any other MMORPG to date. And thats without foreigners.

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