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Monkey Island - THE MOVIE!

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Originally posted by The Feral Chicken

We have those. It's called "gaming".



MJF doesn't act as much any more, due to his Parkinsons' disease, and he's too old for the role anyway. He'd be good if it was animated, though :).


yeah, i meant animated (of course then we'd want the original cast, but never mind). but even if MJF was younger and didn't have parkinsons disease, he doesn't look the part (look at Back to the future, good actor, but not guybrush). hmm, Orlando Bloom maybe, look at him in PoTC (i think you cna find some screenshots of him in costume somewhere).

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If there ever was a Monkey Island Movie and i really hope there is, who would you cast as the characters?


i'd cast

Guybrush Threepwood as Hayden Christensen/Orlando Bloom or Christopher Masterson


Elaine Marley- Threepwood as a really pretty actress. Maybe Natalie Portman (No Star Wars connection intended here!) Angelina Jolie maybe or Kiera Knightly


Stan - Jim Carrey!


Tell me what you guys think and who else would be good for these roles and the Rest! Who would be a good LeChuck?


Love The Captains Daughter x

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I am currently studying Communications - Electronic Media at college and I have a dream of becoming a filmmaker/producer. My ultimate dream is to see the production of a film made of (and/or based off) the Monkey Island series.


I think a lot of the cast should be relatively unknowns. As mentioned earlier, Stan=Jim Carrey. I think one of my earlier suggestions was Rachel Weisz as Elaine. Earl Boen could still provide the voice of LeChuck. I think Matthew Lillard (Shaggy from the Scooby Doo movie) would be a good Guybrush.


Dominic Armato could still possibly be a good Guybrush, but remember, when you say he's the "original" Guybrush, Armato made his first appearance in the *3rd* Monkey Island game. The first and only voice of Guybrush so far, but think of film. It could actually work out going with someone else as well. I'm keeping an open mind with Guybrush. He's probably a good candidate for an "unknown" actor.


Michael Land's *amazing* soundtrack (listening to it now) must be in the movie. I think he should either do the soundtrack or at least be present. Of course keep the theme. It wouldn't be Monkey Island without it! We played two games without Armato's great Guybrush voice, but they all had the amazing MI music.


I would like to see MI 1 and MI 2 made into films, MAYBE 3, but NOT 4. MI 4 added too many plot holes (such as the Monkey Robot. It wasn't a robot in the other MI's. ...and H.T. Marley?!?) I am not an EMI fan for the most part. I bought it and played it the day it came out, but I was greatly dissapointed. One of the big dissapointments was Elaine. I liked CMI Elaine, but EMI Elaine sounded like a bratty girl just out of highschool. OK, enough EMI ranting...


But suppose MI 1, 2, and 3 were made into films. Should there be other films with new plots? new villains? etc...


And of course, since MI is a series of games, not books or movies, a bit would have to be edited out or added. Maybe a sequence of how LeChuck died (according to the SCUMM Bar pirate with the glass eye, LeChuck was impressing Elaine by sailing to Monkey Island). I think that would be a great opening sequence.


Another sequence could be an extended ending of MI2 or extended beginning of CMI where Gbrush escapes the Carnival in his bumper car. Or that could just be left to the viewers' imaginations as it was in the games.


If I DO get into film, and if I DO obtain the rights to MI and live up to my Monkey Island dream, my goal would be to make it for the fans. (I tried editing this post down after realizing it was put on a different thread)

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I could ALMOST see Hayden Christensen for Guybrush, but I'm sorry. Natalie Portman for Elaine? :amidala: *shudders* That would be as scary as the horrible EMI version of Elaine. lol, what about Sarah Michelle Gellar? haha I could even see her as Elaine before Natalie Portman.


I still think Rachel Weisz could be an interesting Elaine. Or possibly an unknown British actress. I think she could be better as a British accented pirate princess.


You know who I think looks like a good Captain Dread to me? That voodoo guy from the Scooby Doo movie. When I first saw him in Scooby Doo, I could see the potential of a live action Monkey Island movie. (I recently watched that movie. That's why it comes to mind. I'm not a die-hard Scooby fan)


Yes, Stan = Jim Carrey.

LeChuck = voice of Earl Boen


Erik Averi (Stargate, Daredevil, Planet of the Apes) looks like he could be a good MI character, though I don't know who.

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How about Bill Murray for Mancomb Seepgood? (The pirate captain at the SCUMM Bar)


Or he could be one of the three "important looking pirate" captains in the back room.


Mike Myers could be another "important looking pirate" or one of the cannibals.


Heck, I could even imagine George Clooney being a good "important looking pirate."


Eddie Murphey could be the head of the navigator.

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hmm... what if we still had the talents from fifty and sixty years ago.... what famous actors could have been really good monkey island characters? Here are a few random suggestions I came up with...


Guybrush - Bing Crosby

Wally - Mickey Rooney

Elaine - Dorothy Lamour

Stan - Don Wilson

Men of low moral fiber (pirates) - the Marx Brothers

Fettucini Brothers - Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra (Italians...)

Herman Toothrot - Jack Benny

Largo - Bud Abbott

Kate Capsize - Judy Garland

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With Monkey Island characters, Racheal Weisz would be the perfect Elaine Marley! Why didn't i see it before! Shes one of my favourite actresses!

I don't think Matthew Lilard is good looking enough to be Guybrush. Guybrush has to be a babe like Orlando Bloom. Lillard is too comical for the role and he would just look stupid i think.


Orlando Bloom is in the new movie Pirates Of The Carribean which i hope is like Monkey Island. I study film at university and you seem pretty sure howd you'd do the movie so if you get into Hollywood, then go for it!


One thing, Is Elaine Marley English or American? IN CMI she has an English accent which is similar to mine but in EMI she has an American accent? She didn't voice the first two games so does anyone now what she is?


Can't wait for Monkey Island 5 to come out! Rare for a 20 year old female from London to love puzzle adventure games, most other girls hate this!


Love The Captains Daughter x

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Elaine was so much cooler in CMI. If I can ever have any influence about a Monkey Island movie, I'd want Elaine to be English. It just seems more piratey princessy to me for some reason.


The pictures of Orlando Bloom in Pirates of the Caribbean does remind me of what Guybrush should look like, but he seems to "cool" for a Guybrush. Guybrush should be a bit more ..."silly" or "helpless" for lack of better terms. But most of all, the movies should please the majority of the fans, so let's all get opinions out there, just in case!


I've actually been writing several screenplay versions of MI-1 recently, re-going through the game and writing down exact dialog. I've reached the part where you do the ingredients to reach Monkey Island.


But if there is a movie, what should be edited out for time sake? and added in for clarity? and should it have exact dialog from the game? etc. etc. etc.


-Enchilada Man™ no signiture included.

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well, i'm pretty sure they won't do it, but hey,s i'm going to get into the spirit of things.

basically, somi is too short for a movie so my guess is, shorten down somi considerably and make somi and lcr one movie. it could basicaly be like, guybrush wants to become a pirate, he does, he meets elaine, elaine gets kidnapped, guybrush saves her and kills lechuck and this could al be in the first 15-20 minutes of the movie. of course this would not work now that i think about it, but i think they'd need to add more into somi to make it a movie on it's own as somi and lcr have two very different storylines so to jump from one to another in the middle of the movie would be wrong, io don't know.

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Enchilada Man,


If you've written a screenplay, as a lover of film and a film student, i'd love to see what you have done. Monkey Ilsand 1 is my favourite game. You've done it up to the ingredients on the pot on the ship you say? Are you going to send it to a movie company? Will you post it on the Board or can i ask your permission to email it to me as i 'm really interested.

Yeah i think Elaine would be best if she was English. It suits her and Rachel Weisz would suit the role then!

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I've been using Sophocles, a SUPER program for writing screenplays (I found a demo, and I plan to register with it soon). It has features that show which characters talk the most, talk the most with each other, and appear in scenes with each other, etc. It also has something that actually estimates how long it is every thirty seconds or so. Up to Guybrush finding the captain's log on the Sea Monkey, it is calculated to be 1:10:30 long. Of course, give or take time here. hmm, how long do you think a complete MI movie should be? I would say not much more than 2 hours.


With characters developing, there could be a LeChuck's first death scene, and possible some more scenes with Elaine. Maybe there could be a scene with Elaine searching for Guybrush when he was dunked off the dock after the thievery trial; maybe a scene with Elaine captured in LeChuck's ship, talking to a skeleten guard; maybe a flashback while Guybrush is reading the captain's log rather than just hear Gbrush reading it the whole time.


Unfortunately some funny jokes would have to be taken out due to relevency (Guybrush saying "Wow, I'm glad I paid the $49.95 for this game," the "keelhaul" joke, lots of stuff he says to himself when examining things, etc). And the whole idol thievery scene would have to be somewhat different for film purposes. Some jokes can be incorporated in other ways, however. We can see him writing in his journal like in the CMI intro, bringing out things he says to himself in the game.


What I'm saying is, film is a much different artistic medium from gaming, so there has to be some additions/subtractions. If there is a movie, there should be something right after "The End" that says in big letters "Play the original Monkey Island games from Lucasarts Entertainment."


I am still working on the screenplay. When I get a little more done on it, I may submit a portion of it, probably not the whole thing. I am using a trial version of Sophocles (as I just found it a few days ago), and whenever I copy something and paste it to another program, the pasted result just says "TRIAL VERSION" so I am hoping to register it by this summer. I'm not taking any classes this summer, so I hope I can get a lot done on it. I've only recently started, and I've accomplished alot already, so by then, it'll probably be mainly polishing up.


hehe, and if my dream is fulfilled, I'll try to put something on the end credits somewhere about the name EnchiladaMan, and a thanks to the fellas at "LucasForums" so you'd know it's me. Anway, wish me luck.

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I think the Monkey Island 1 movie should be about 2 hours and a bit. I think audiences who have never heard of Monkey Island have to become familar to it and be warped into Guybrush's world. The 3 trials should be in detail, Guybrush's first encounter with Elaine intwined with the idol thievery, but i think Guybrushes interaction with other pirates should be kept subtle as the conversations aren't moving the narrative along quickly enough. If they can do it with Lara Croft Tomb Raider, they can do it with Monkey Island. I don't think that word for word in the game should be included. Like bits are taken out of films based on books. I think you should just leave out bits that are not really relevant to the narrative. (Sharing film student notes with you here). I think Guybrush buying the ship from Stan could be cut down a lot to say a 5- 10 minute conversation and the pirate insults to fight the sword master can be overlapped so Guybrush isn't fighting each one for 5 minutes each!!

I'd space out the film like this:


45 Minutes of the film should be our introduction to Guybrush, and the 3 trials including Guybrushes first encounter with Elaine


10 minutes of Guybrush getting his crew together

5 - 10 minutes of Guybrush with Stan




10 minutes of Guybrush with the ingredients

30 minutes with Guybrush on Monkey Island


Last 30 minutes can be Guybrush with the navigator, into Lechucks ship and rushing back to Melee to stop the wedding. Ending with Guybrush and Elaine together and fading to black on Lechucks ghost seering into infinity. So we know that there is a next time.


Thats how i'd do it


Love The Captains Daughter

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I agree completely. My plan is actually do write down a detailed word for word screenplay, which is currently about half finished, and then a screenplay for movie purposes.


The w4w screenplay would be used as reference. I tried thinking of a screenplay without any reference before, and it was just killing me. All my ideas were real dumb. The reference is really helping so I don't have to go through the WHOLE game just to see what the choices were for Gbrush's response for "You fight like a dairy farmer." Sophocles allows me to have an outline to the side to jump to any scene. Really cool.


I think the insult swordfight can be made as sort of a montage of fights. (Sort of like the time-passing scene in Spider-man that shows villains caught in webs, people interviewed and stuff.) then cut (no pun intended) to the swordmaster, or seeking out the swordmaster. We don't have to see him picking up everysingle thing and going through the whole town and stuff.


But I'd still like to see a lot of exact dialogue. That was one thing that made Lord of the Rings fun for me.


Another idea is to change lines from minor characters (like the glass eye pirate in the Scumm Bar) to major characters. Maybe we could have the Men of Low Morale Fiber in the SCUMM Bar as well as later on the streets, and they could tell some of the LeChuck story. With Monkey Island, most of the minor characters stay in one place. In a film, we can meet them around in different places, and we can get the dialogue from fewer of them.


(2 hours would be great. 3 hours would be cool too, but I don't think most audiences would go for that for something like Monkey Island. Think extended cuts. lol)


-Enchilada Man <- that's me!

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Guest Das Mole

yeah, i like that idea of interactive text:D:D


- sorry that i just posted that now! its the first time i read this thread.

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lol that would be interesting. I suppose with dvd, it could be possible! If there is an MI movie made, I wonder if they could put something like that in a dvd release!


Anyone else remember those "Choose your own adventure" books where you choose "Go to page 54 if you open the door. or Go to page 37 if you walk away." ? When I was little, I thought those were so cool.

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Well, I said before that the Trial version of Sophocles will not let me copy into a word program, and it'd be silly to post the sophocles file on the internet (because I doubt many people visiting these forums could open it. I mean, I just found the program by accident)... BUT I did find out I can do "PRINT SCREEN"


I printscreened (haha, is that a word?) some portions of the beginning of my script and pasted them together in Paint shop pro. What I have now is a long gif file (117kb) that show the Monkey Island script from the beginning (LeChuck's death), through the first scene where Guybrush talks with the pirates in the SCUMM Bar, until he exits and it cuts to the Ghost Pirate LeChuck under Monkey Island.


Here it is (best viewed at 1024x768 or higher res):




(ok, for some reason clicking on it didn't work for me, but it did work copying that url into the address bar and pressing enter. So whatever works, I guess.)


On the right side of the script is the automatic Sophocles' estimated time in the script. But of course, it would be a little bit more with credits showing, time in the scumm bar with no *real* dialog, etc.


Most of the script is word4word from the game (except of course, the introduction). I haven't gone back to edit it. Like I said, I want to complete writing down the entire game before I do that.


So, let me know what you think of this introduction so far.


(PS, if there's a movie, it should be live action. If you want animated, just play the games ;-)

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Here's something I put together today. I couldn't think of who I should do for Guybrush (couldn't find any pictures of Dominic Armato large enough or in color), and this guy came to mind (Alessandro Nivola, or "Billy" from JP3) I had the JP3 dvd handy, so I just used him. Not necessarily who I'd chose for the movie though.


It's a crude pic. I only spent about an hour or so on it, but it gives an idea of what it might look like for a live action MI. (Check out Stan! He was fun to "put together," and came out the best)




(thanks, Neil for telling me how to put in the pic.)

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ooh, i like your pic, especially the bit at the bottom with the credits.


i came up with a couple




and this one (with real people). i don't know who orlando could play (or even if Brendan Fraiser would make a good Guybrush) but i though, hey, what about Kate Winslet for Elaine. i didn't know who to spruce up for LeChuck, but figured he'd be CG so i just grabbed a screenshot of him and spruced that up. hope you like.




oh, and EnchiladaMan, to link pictures from geocities, rename the files to .html rather than .gif or .jpeg, like i've done.

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