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Just when I think I've seen it all.

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Originally posted by Jem

I just posted this because I needed a link to do "Save Target As..."


I just copy'n'pasted from my Temp Internet Files directory. ;)


As near as I can tell, it's merely a commercial, though one unconfirmed report says that there was a contest (held in Japan, naturally) in which toy versions were given out as prizes. Presumably, the toys would've been based off of whatever model the CG animators used for reference.


This only serves to suggest that there are actual molds out there somewhere. With a little retooling (to lose the obvious shoe-ness), this'd make a passable TF.


And now, for a rilly big shoe.
--Ed Sulivan
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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

As near as I can tell, it's merely a commercial, though one unconfirmed report says that there was a contest (held in Japan, naturally) in which toy versions were given out as prizes.


They gave them away in the US, or at least were going to. The winners were supposed to be announced during the Super Bowl but I have no idea if they actually announced the winners. All I know for a fact is I didn't win. I DID enter, so I know the contest at least actually happened.

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

I just copy'n'pasted from my Temp Internet Files directory. ;)


I would have done that if my browser actually loaded the mov. It just didn't want to, tthat's why I had to download it from the link.

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