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switches from jedicouncilgc


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i just put a trigger_multiple near the switch. the switch was func_useable. then i took the trigger, gave it the trigger texture from teh shader directory. then i type in , for the key wait i think, then 2 for the value (but u can use any number, depending on how long u want the door to stay open, and u have to have it open for at least a sec, or it wil just keep going up and down.)


i selected the trigger, then the door, and pressed ctrl k to connec them together, then for the door, (func_door) i type soundset, or setsound for the key, then any wav file from the assets0.pk3, for example, door1.wav, i think that was the name of a file. i know i made it really confusing, but i hope it helps, i just couldnt make it so u had to press the swithc, the way i told u, u walk over to the switch and the door opens.


hope it helps. if not check the richdiesal tutorial.



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