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Another Weighting Question


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What bones do I weight the hands to???? Its not in Spacemonkeys tut!



Also it says you have UV map your model to get in Assimilate... can I just apply a map of a single colour to it instead of having to uwrap the whole thing first?


Because what if something is wrong and I have to remodel a part, this will **** up the UVs

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You weight the hands to the nearest bones (lhand and rhand...) and then you have to add all the finger bones if you want finger movement.


What i usually do is add 100% influence to every verts of the hand's mesh (from the wrist to finger tips) using the "lhand" and "rhand" bone, this is a quick way to export the model. Then i go back to add the finger weights.


And check my JK2 guide tutorial about specific weighting if you dont want force powers or special moves to be messed up.


You need to UVW map the meshes, it doesnt have to be precise at first, but the model will most likely get rejected if no uvw maps are found, maybe not...never tried this.

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Originally posted by Hindy

Ok thanx PsykO, I ve done this and i ll start unwrapping it tomorrow after checking the weighting...



Congrats on the excellent tut on skin modifiers... I actually understood it after reading!!


Great, i didnt get much feedback about it so im glad it's clear enough for you :).

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