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skybox problem


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im having a rather interesting problem with my skybox.

ive stretched the texture with the surface inspector so that it will fit on the shader. this is ok. in the 3d view a see my sky there. But when i play the map in single player i see a small picture of the sky in the middle with stretch marks going out fron the middle of each side, sort of like a + thing.


another problem which might be realated is that i in the game my textures are broken down into much smaller boxes than are shown in the 3d view in gtk. Does this have something to do with the grid settings, and is it related to the skybox?


your help is greatly appreciated!!

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well for the skybox thing, i can tell you this: make it out of caulk first an then texture one side with a sky shader. not the picture of a sky, the shader is a lil white box with the word "sky" written on it.


an for question #2, idk wat to say sorry

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Are you trying to texture the sky brushes with the actual sky texture? The pictures of the sky? Don't do this, you want the sky SHADER, as Shotokan said. You can tell if you used a texture if it has one of the suffixes at the end of the name: _ft, _bk, _lf, _rt, _up, _dn. The shader will just have the sky name.

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is this your own sky that u made or is it like bespins sky or stars? if bespin skys use the texture bespin/sky_platform....... for stars use the texture skies/stars....


i'm not sure this was wut u wanted but the 2 textures are really good for skies

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