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JA needs to be dark and moody...


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-1- "Darkness" is lacking from the SW of today. Look at episode 2, it's just a good times adventure 90% of the time (maybe the poor acting during "emotional" parts added to this).

-2- Atmosphere is most important. It has to be "real".

-3- I think that a level could/should start out normal, several stormtroopers, etc. then, as the plot is revealed the level could become more moody, both story-wise and in the actual ambience (lights). An artistic transition would be nice. I found that in JO the two most "dark" parts were placed in bad parts of the map. When you think Jan is dead, the place is still well lit and relatively unchanged. When you face Desann the last time, the game actually get cheerier (trees, sunlight, etc.) so the last battle seemed cheapened. In fact, the first time I beat JO, I was at a friends and we both really couldn't understand what was going on. "That can't be IT." Then the credits rolled by. The ending ruined all of the atmosphere created by Nar Shadaa/the Doomhammer/the outside Yavin mission.

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

-1- "Darkness" is lacking from the SW of today. Look at episode 2, it's just a good times adventure 90% of the time...

You mean apart from the start of a galactic civil war, the rise of a tyrant, and the beginning of the end for the Jedi order? Such good times :)
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Originally posted by Prime

You mean apart from the start of a galactic civil war, the rise of a tyrant, and the beginning of the end for the Jedi order? Such good times :)


LOL!! No the story is dark allright, and I really enjoyed the moments where Anakin slaughtered the Tuskens, and where you saw the evil Emperor (well supreme chancellor at the time) Palpatine standing, looking at all the clones preparing for war... Moments never to be forgotten, classic already!!


But yeah, those moments were scarse in EPII (and especially EPI). It's really not the story though, but the setting and ambience. There should be more dark places to fight, places that are more evil :) The fights with Vader etc. were great because of the setting...

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Originally posted by HertogJan

But yeah, those moments were scarse in EPII (and especially EPI). It's really not the story though, but the setting and ambience. There should be more dark places to fight, places that are more evil :) The fights with Vader etc. were great because of the setting...


I tend to agree. I think they did a better job with setting and ambience in EpII than in EpI to be honest...from the night-time setting of the assassin bugs in Padme's quarters and the resulting chase...to the contrasts on Kamino, and the grandiose spires on Geonosis.


Anyway...who can forget the Luke/Vader fight in ESB, that just kept moving from location to location, and each more dangerous than the last? In this respect I agree with Solbe M'ko...the final conflict of the game needs a great setting to showcase the fight of good against evil...or evil against good. The levels where you chased and finally confronted Desann in JO didn't seem dark or atmospheric enough, considering the depths of the temple were supposed to be a focal point for Sith energy. When I look back at the graphic novels of the Tales Of The Jedi, where the ancient Massassi temple featured, it seemed a far darker and more forbidding place. Even Dromuund Kaas in MotS was a starker, mustier place filled with ancient malice.


Judging by the screenies of the Rodian and the caverns, with those statues, it looks like Raven are going back to a similar eerie feel. BTW...I'd love to see those lights go out one by one, and plunge you into semi-darkness... :D In fact, destructable light sources would go a long way to switching moods in the same locations...

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Yeah but good locations for a saber fight are usually dark places :) It just adds something to it... I really like the ESB fight at the carbon freezing chamber. The Fight between Anakin and Dooku in EPII had a nice touch though; a dark setting with the lightsabers casting light on their faces, that was really great!


BTW, in the MP version of the yavin_final map (I don't know for sure if it was the same in the SP version) you have music that sounds a lot the same as the final fight in RotJ, that adds to the mood too!

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Originally posted by HertogJan


BTW, in the MP version of the yavin_final map (I don't know for sure if it was the same in the SP version) you have music that sounds a lot the same as the final fight in RotJ, that adds to the mood too!


An excellent point. :thumbsup: The right kind of music to set the right kind of mood is essential, IMHO. Music and sound in general is so important for setting a scene...and I hope they get the score and ambient sounds right for every situation in JA. I'm not sure I want to hear the same snippets from the SW soundtracks recycled over and over, though...while it's nice to have to place you firmly in the SW universe, I hope they are looking at some original scores in the same style that can convey the proper moods throughout the game.

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Originally posted by Prime

I always get jazzed when those Star Wars tracks come on and I start chopping baddies. Now that's atmosphere!



I'm a big fan of the Imperial March :) When you heard it in JO, you knew there was going to be some action :D But also the peaceful starwars melody (you know which one I'm talking about I'm sure) got you in the right mood :D

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I've seen a pic of a rodian in front of a kind of temple in dark blue tones if I remember, that's enought for me, as well as the pics of the bad guys in a similar location, just hopes the music comes correctly this time, it was way too happy while fighting desann, I prefer "the emperor's death" from ROTJ, is also heard when anakin kills the tuskens, its the darker theme of all ("the imperial march" wasn't dark, it resembles military power, no evilness but it's really cool too.) maybe "light of the force" (the one heard in Vader's... sorry my mistake, Anakins funeral pyre) gives a nice atmosphere.

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

They symbolize the whole evil vs. good, balance motif, and I don't think that they would fit in a game where you mow down stormtroopers, etc.


Er...okay...do you have information to which the rest of us have no access? Because I have not seen a single Stormtrooper in any of the screenshots released so far. I actually hope that trend continues for this game, because we've had the lion's share of Imperial entanglements so far...

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as far as music goes, i feel the ep2 ost is by far the moodiest. melding DotF with imperial march in "return to tatooine" was genius. IMO, they should allow the player to be part of "cutscenes" like HL, instead fo the static scenes in JO. even if they force the player to go 3rd person to give the impression of watching the scene.


as far as the final showdown goes, it would be nice to have something like the carbon freeze scene where the big bad dude has AI that specifically attempts to lead the player down a specific route, either through deception, or force, or just a good ole chase...

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

I must disagree. Those tunes were, to my mind, reserved for the skywalkers. They symbolize the whole evil vs. good, balance motif, and I don't think that they would fit in a game where you mow down stormtroopers, etc.

I don't think JA will feature new music, JO didn't.

but JK has good themes.

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

Fo' Sho'!

Although it would be unlikely, I wouldn't be surprised if Lucasarts started using other music (shudder).

Why? :confused:


It seems that Lucasarts is pretty good for supplying music and sound effects straight from the films.

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

-PS- Off topic: Do you prefer the american Imperial officers from ANH or the cool british officers from RotJ?


Erm...which officers would those be in ANH? :confused: You see, a very large proportion of the cast was made up of Brits...but for some of the roles they either dubbed them with American accents (like the Bartender in the Cantina), or the actors themselves used some American accents. To be honest, I can't recall very many American accents among the mint Imperials. But then...I haven't watched ANH for a while...


[Michael Caine voice]Not a lot of people know that.[/Michael Caine voice]


Anyway...back on topic...I want some Williams music, and some original stuff, but mainly I want it to change seamlessly dependent on the setting and mood. They did a good job in JO (mostly), so I'm sure they'll do a good job with JA.

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Didn't know that about the accents. But in ANH some of the Imps are clearly using american accents, while in RotJ they all have cool British accents; Jerjerrod was an awesome character in RotJ, all snivelly and such...:deathii:


Anywho, the seamless transition is a good aspect, but I find that it sometimes is misleading or takes away from the game. For example, you walk along and some sinister, but slow, music is in the background, then you silently sneak up and behead a stormtrooper, and this loud music starts booming like the world is going to end. Then it stops, and starts the other song from the beginning. Not cool. I'm not sure, but I think that was in Rogue Squadron for the N64. It was a pain, because the music would come to a good part and then restart. But that game didn't have good music anyway...

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