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Planar UVW mapping


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Ok this is getting on my t*ts beyond belief.... I have unwrapped the head of my model, then applied a UVM modifier...


Then a select Planar as a gizmo and it comes up at the following angle




Mmmmm, so I hit view align and got this...




Now this is still not perfectly straight so my maps from Texporter are slightly ski-wiff and not central.Also if I hit fit, it flips the box upside down...


*On an earlier version of the model I noticed that when it is dragged across screen the bounding boxes are at the same angle as the Planar on the first pic. Dont know if that is relevant*

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Uh...it's kinda hard to say what the problem is exactly...


1.Apply a Xform modifier (you know that's my favorite thing to say!)


2.Put the pivot point at the center of the object. And yes apply xform modifier again when you move a pivot point!.



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I've encountered this wierd skewing of the bounding box before too and have never found THE answer. I'd have to stand by Psych0 on the Xform, but I'd attach all those objects to each other if they aren't already. I mean with that method, all of those parts are on their own layer so it won't destroy the final mesh. So attach them, apply an Xform, and collapse then let me (us) know what happens. You can still select each piece using the element sub-object mode after they've been attached...and I still swear that tutorial is coming....I'm up to page 42. I get only a chance here and there now to work on it. I'm into the last 2 weeks of school so teachers are starting to pick up the workload to cover all unfinished material.

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Good point Psynex.


You might wanna check if the pieces are attached together (they appear to be...).


Other possibility is that you have a vertex that's not supposed to be there:


In vertex mode, hit "remove isolated vertex" and re-apply your planar map modifier. Could be the problem, maybe not.

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It doesn't seem to make any difference. I think im doing it correctly...


I also did the remove isolated vertex and the planar didnt even go on to the mesh it stayed in the bottom right corner as did the x form modifier.


The modifier was also skewed soI rotated it but to no avail


Any ideas thanx for the input so far

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Could I send either or both of you a copy of the file to look over? As I want to get it skinned and weighted next week... If ya could help us out PM me your email and I ll send it to ya.


If not can you give me a step by step guide to applying the x form modifier to make sure I m getting it right (I mean step by step!PsykO knows how slow I can be) ..


Many thanx

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I m getting so fed up with this now... Its still screwed up. Searched the web for a solution but cant find anything.


To top it all bout 2 hours ago my computer decided to blow up. Yup blew up (no exagerration!). Which made me "brick my pants" as this is part of a university module and I thought I might have lost my work...


Thank god it was just the power supply!!!!!

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I can take a look at it if you are using max 4.


There's nothing much to do with a xform modifier, once you apply it, you have to collapse the stack (or not, depends how you work).


One of my computers blew up a few years ago, destroying a 650$ burner, 2 HD and video card i was f****** pissed! :mad:.


Glad it's only a power supply issue for you.

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LMAO. "brick my pants"! That's classic....sorry about your power supply.


I tried to reply to you before that happened, but the forums were jam-packed I guess; I couldn't get to a reply screen.


I say email it to me; I'm up to the challenge, so much so I looked through all of my 3d models last night trying to find that exact same problem, but "to no avail", I couldn't find-a-one.


"to no avail"..."Ok this is getting on my t*ts beyond belief"... Ya know Hindy, if I didn't think it were too coincidental, I'd say your a woman I just met at a concert this past Monday. *shakes head; nah - couldn't be. A sign perhaps though, yes, may-be.*


Just push my email button and send it; I want to see if I can't clobber this thing.

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Yep Max 4!!! I ll send it to ya both...


My other computer blew up in Jan, cost £550 to rebuild... Dam things, expensive paper weights me thinks.


Its still not right though, when I plug in a USB device it crashes. I swear im gonna take bat to the computer guys legs if he dont fix it right!


*As for the concert, LOL, nah dont think girls clothes suit me!!!*


I will PM you both when I send it... Thanx for the help

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I dunno how you did it, but you managed to screw up the pivot point's orientation on every mesh. That's why the planar map is not facing the correct way.


I dont have much experience on how to fix pivot points without screwing the meshes.


Export your scene to .3ds format and re-import it back in max: this will give you a good idea on how screwed it will look if you get it in-game the way it is right now.


And the skeleton has been moved out of its original place...


Some of the errors might be caused by my max "environment" but i doubt it.


Maybe Psynex will have better results.

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Ok I think i got it! or maybe not, have a listen and tell me what u think...


Ok what I suspect happed is I attached a hand to the wrist I had made previously which has the weird bounding box. I must have attached the mesh to the hand instead of other way round.


Ok with me...


What if I save each part of the mesh in separate files and merge them to a piece that has a correct pivot point? Surely that would correct the pivot points.


Otherwise I have the separate files of the bits and pieces. But all are fine until the first hand arrives in a scene.


Psyko: Thanks for looking over the model, sorry bout the desperate last post. I paniced and "bricked my pants" for the second time in 2 days, my thoughts are now clear.

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Success I hope!!!!!


PsykO I did what I stated in previous post. It seems to have corrected it.


Legolas Fixed


What I did was :


1. Got a pre Hierarchy version of Legolas

2. Deleted all bones, tags etc

3. Deleted the Tunic

4. Reattached all parts of the mesh into a single mesh

5. Saved it

6. Opened up a previous Tunic file

7. Merged with new Torso file

8. Attached the Torso to Tunic

9. Welded all joining verts

10. ...... Bob`s ya uncle

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sorry I was a bit lax...drum practice last night. I wonder why my email button isn't working? I'm going to look into that. Between what you and Psych0 said though...I wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of saving each part as a serperate file and merging and all that other stuff you did.


I would have simply re-imported and replaced the Stupidtriangle_off from a good skeleton and reoriented all the pivots using that as the target. You know how there are 3 check boxes under the 3 check boxes to align the pivots? Those three are for axis alignment meaning the XYZ gizmo for the pivot will point in the same XYZ pattern as the targets XYZ. In theory, that's all you would have to do to fix the pivots.


in anycase, and for future reference, my email is psynex@psynex-land.com.

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That solution sounds simplier... although I was quite chuffed I worked it out "on my tod" (on my own). Only took bout half hour to sort it... Its all segged and capped again. I ll do the hierarchy now and unwrap it again tomorrow.


"Lives and Learns" as they say...

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Thanx for looking at it anyway Psyko... What you said made me think and then I sorted it. Maybe long winded but its done.


Noted Psynex solution in case this problem crops up again.



Thank you both for your help so far

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before you get started unwrapping...I think you should take a look at my long-winded, and yet, still incomplete tutorial. I think I've covered enought though to bring my point across and can give you the necessary files. I'm still going to finish it, but I have a 10 page term paper due Wednesday that I haven't even started yet, so I'm going to be missing for a couple of days this week. You'd at least be able to get a handle on the tools and techniques involved in a good unwrapping job.


Got an email address I can send it to?


Crap...I just tried to save the file as a web document and none of the image links work now. Can you view Word documents? I created it in XP, but it should be compatible with 2000.

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Psynex you beauty...


The long awaited tutorial (for myself anyway). Yep I can view word documents....


Have you tried to save as a acrobat file (.pdf)?


Doh! Almost finished unwrapping it, must have just missed your post as I was online just before.


Anyways my address is...




I look forward to reading it, Thanx

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sorry for the delay....long weekend. And it's still going. I've zipped up what you need; meaning there's an unreleased model file in there so be kind; don't start sharing it all over the net...I'll do that when it's done.

Likewise, the file is a bit larger then I think hotmail will support so I'm going to put it up on my site for you, just let me know once you've got it so I can take it down and not exceed my bandwidth.


**Link removed**


Oh, I should also mention most of the screenshots are PNGs. Internet Explorer will display them, and so will photoshop, but you probably don't want a graphics program popping up so you might want to disable the PNG extension in your image software first.

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