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can i adjust the bones to fit my model?


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hello ..


i only want to ask a smal question


i already got some models into jkII but i have no time atm so i hope someone already tried this



can i (e.g.) rotate the bones e.g. the armbone to fit my model or MUST i model my model to fit the bones? (i know bipeds [used in ut] allow something like this but jkII uses bones...)


i ask bec. i made a model for ut2003 and so my refpose the model have don´t fit the jkII bones..



hope someone could help


thx tillo

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hmm.. jie.. spacemonkeys tut also says something similar..


no something else..


if you weight you model and assimilate (or carcass) say some vertex hase no weight .. what do you do if your sure all vertexes ar weighted?


is there a posibility to find e.g. vert 30 in max? to search it by hand cost a lot time..

and its stupid..


my old model was a lot less complex than my new.. so i cant find the vert who has no weight..




edit: and is it possible that one surface has more than 2000 tries and 1000 verts?

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1.NEVER move any bones out of place, after a few experiments i can tell you that bones need to absolutely stay in place or you'll see very upleasant surprises.


2.Grab the "model root + mesh root" helpers, move them around, you should see your vert stay in place...dont forget to hit ctrl-z to put everything back in its place.

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