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q3map2 light process optimization


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So I go to compile my tal Erulanei map...and the light phase takes 3 1/2 hours. Yuck. I'm wondering if there are some light options I can play around with to speed this up? This map in particular is composed mainly of patches, which are crazy to light. I used this q3map2 command:


C:/Games/JEDIOU~1/GameData/Tools/GTKRAD~1/q3map2 -v -game jk2 -light -fast -patchshadows -filter "C:/Games/Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/tal.map"


And this is the light process as it came out:



1 threads

Q3Map - v1.0r © 1999 Id Software Inc.

Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.3

GtkRadiant - v1.3.5-dev Mar 6 2003 20:31:29

One compiler to rule them all

--- InitPaths ---

Searching for "GameData" in "C:/Games/JEDIOU~1/GameData/Tools/GTKRAD~1/q3map2" (0)...

VFS Init: C:/Games/JEDIOU~1/GameData/base/


--- Light ---

Fast mode enabled

Patch shadow casting enabled

Lightmap filtering enabled

Map has shader script C:/Games/Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/../shaders/q3map2_tal.shader

entering shaders/shaderlist.txt

entering shaders/shaderlist.txt (2)

entering shaders/shaderlist.txt (3)

entering shaders/shaderlist.txt (4)

entering shaders/bespin.shader

entering shaders/cinematics.shader

entering shaders/common.shader

entering shaders/decals.shader

entering shaders/derelict.shader

entering shaders/doomgiver.shader

entering shaders/effects.shader

entering shaders/erulanei.shader

entering shaders/explosions.shader

entering shaders/flares.shader

entering shaders/fogs.shader

entering shaders/gfx.shader

entering shaders/gfx2.shader

entering shaders/imperial.shader

entering shaders/items.shader

entering shaders/marks.shader

entering shaders/mars.shader

entering shaders/metashader.shader

entering shaders/models.shader

entering shaders/mp.shader

entering shaders/nar_shaddaa.shader

entering shaders/players.shader

entering shaders/sabers.shader

entering shaders/scavenger.shader

entering shaders/skies.shader

entering shaders/sprites.shader

entering shaders/system.shader

entering shaders/test.shader

entering shaders/text_crawl.shader

entering shaders/ui.shader

entering shaders/yavin.shader

entering shaders/zoom.shader

Script file shaders/Characters.shader was not found

entering shaders/lava.shader

entering shaders/liquid.shader

Script file shaders/vader.shader was not found

entering shaders/cheshire_vader.shader

entering shaders/clone.shader

entering shaders/clonecomm.shader

1267 shaderInfo

Loading C:/Games/Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/tal.bsp

Loading C:/Games/Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/tal.srf

--- LoadMapFile ---

Loading C:/Games/Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/tal.map

entering C:/Games/Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/tal.map

145 light entities

--- SetupBrushes ---

508 opaque brushes

--- SetupSurfaceLightmaps ---

1467 surfaces

1370 raw lightmaps

86 surfaces vertex lit

1381 surfaces lightmapped

72 planar surfaces lightmapped

0 non-planar surfaces lightmapped

1309 patches lightmapped

262 planar patches lightmapped

--- SetupTraceNodes ---

897139 trace windings

1440152 trace triangles

164948 trace nodes

81998 leaf nodes

10 average windings per leaf node

32 max trace depth

--- SetupGrid ---

Grid size = { 64, 64, 128 }

115311 grid points

--- CreateLights ---

Sun: textures/erulanei/sky_light

Sky: textures/erulanei/sky_light

115 point lights

30 spotlights

0 diffuse (area) lights

10 sun/sky lights

--- SetupEnvelopes (fast) ---

155 total lights

0 culled lights

--- TraceGrid ---

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1759)

133 x 51 x 17 = 115311 grid

654518 grid points envelope culled

15256 grid points bounds culled

--- MapRawLightmap ---

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (60)

335371 luxels

311351 luxels mapped

57084 luxels occluded

--- SetupEnvelopes (fast) ---

155 total lights

0 culled lights

--- IlluminateRawLightmap ---

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1739)

0 luxels illuminated

--- IlluminateVertexes ---

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (57)

26880 vertexes illuminated

4305 lights plane culled

34284 lights envelope culled

0 lights bounds culled

151284 lights cluster culled

--- StoreSurfaceLightmaps ---


332400 luxels used

376832 luxels stored (88.21 percent efficiency)

40 identical surface lightmaps, using 18459 luxels

0 vertex forced surfaces

0 vertex approximated surfaces

23 BSP lightmaps

23 total lightmaps

96 unique lightmap/shader combinations

Writing C:/Games/Jedi Outcast/GameData/base/maps/tal.bsp

Storing lightgrid: 115311 points

12415 seconds elapsed


Any thoughts?

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Originally posted by wedge2211

So I go to compile my tal Erulanei map...and the light phase takes 3 1/2 hours. Yuck. I'm wondering if there are some light options I can play around with to speed this up? This map in particular is composed mainly of patches, which are crazy to light. I used this q3map2 command:




And this is the light process as it came out:




Any thoughts?


:rolleyes: Try to make the virtual memory bigger

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Are you almost done with your map? If so, I'd say: suck it up, fire off your compile.bat right about bedtime, and let that puppy run overnight.


I would offer to help you out by doing a "-threads 4" compile for you, but you wouldn't really save any time, what with having to waste time emailing files back and forth.


Have you expirimented with the "-cheap" flag? It, apparently, "stops Q3Map from calculating light on a sample after it exceeds (255, 255, 255)." Perhaps that might speed things up for you?


Sorry, don't really have any more to offer... :^\

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