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"I still wish there was a morality meter in place, so every time you kill a civilian, you swing further to the Dark side."


You shouldn't have to kill civies to go dark. It should be determined by your actions and tactics. For example, if you pull the gun out of an enemy's hands, then kill him anyway, your morality should decrease. Conversely, if you were to take time away from your mission to help the locals (Repairing the bridge, anyone?) your morality could increase. Your morality should also determine your actions so that you couldn't be a father-raping mother-stabbing badass the first half of the game, then turn around and help fix the newlyweds' landspeeder.

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko


"I still wish there was a morality meter in place, so every time you kill a civilian, you swing further to the Dark side."


You shouldn't have to kill civies to go dark. It should be determined by your actions and tactics. For example, if you pull the gun out of an enemy's hands, then kill him anyway, your morality should decrease. Conversely, if you were to take time away from your mission to help the locals (Repairing the bridge, anyone?) your morality could increase. Your morality should also determine your actions so that you couldn't be a father-raping mother-stabbing badass the first half of the game, then turn around and help fix the newlyweds' landspeeder.


I totally agree with you. It doesn't just have to be about killing civilians - the points you raised are all relevant. I only used that as an example, because that was the way they achieved it in the original Jedi Knight game. I wish they could come up with a more complex morality system along the lines you suggest - it would add a great deal to the gameplay.


It's just another missed opportunity, I guess... :(

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They're plenty smart, but their reaction times just don't hold up to the shadowtroopers.


The JediF NPC is the best Jedi ally in the game, although you never get to play with it.


JediF + Tavion = owned Tavion

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Originally posted by Emon

They're plenty smart, but their reaction times just don't hold up to the shadowtroopers.


The JediF NPC is the best Jedi ally in the game, although you never get to play with it.


JediF + Tavion = owned Tavion


yeah, i once lead the other jedi to 1 dark jedi and i ran i came back and they r dead.

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But not just in fights though. Jedi shouldn't just stand around in one area, they should follow you until they die, or until something else catches their interest. Plus, there should be more of them, not just in the academy, but going on missions with you. They should also have a reason to be there. I found that all them jedi in the academy really weren't doing anything to fight off the invaders, they just stood in the training areas and waited for the shadowtroops to find them.

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