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Galaxies discontinued on XBox?


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1.) A lot of people mention the controller as being a problem. Not so, look at Jedi Knight II which has the some of the lightsaber/blaster/sniper etc... play mechanics that are present in SWG. That game is fine on the xbox, so SWG should have no problem with that. 3.) Graphics has been mentioned a lot. Apparently the Xbox's 700 mhz processor can't handle the game. That's where a lot of people go wrong. A console works very differently from a PC, where as a PC has a processor that's designed for all sorts of different tasks. The console processor is optimized for a single task- playing games. The other thing is that the Xbox has a modified Geforce 3, and the game is being OPTIMIZED for the Geforce 3, so no problems there. 4.) The Xbox also has an advantage over the PC in terms of network performance. Xbox Live is a rock solid system, with none of the compatibility problems that plague some PC networks.

1. buttons dude, hotkeys, emotes and so on and so forth, console controllers are great for the typical "jump kick punch shoot run" games, but how the heck do you think you are going to type "Run for you life, Caballero!" if all you have is less than 1 and a half dozen buttons?... 2. they havent even mentioned integrating voice communication into the game, and even if they did, how would you do emotes? they might require you to buy a console keyboard... 3. most modern PCs have nice graphics cards that are the same as or better than consoles... 4. there are some more than rock solid networks for PCs, PC was the first to have the internet and was designed for the internet...

5.) Another person mentioned that the Xbox would have trouble with patching. Does "Downloadable Content" ring a bell?

power to you...


im not trying to flame you, im just trying to say that releasing it only on pc is a pretty good idea, SWG on consoles is the same as playing an RTS on a console... case closed

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First of all, you're contradicting yourself. You're saying that you can't have the console controller cause you can't type to other people. Why would you need to type when you have voice communication?!!!


they havent even mentioned integrating voice communication into the game


They haven't even mentioned when they're releasing the game for the Xbox! Plus, integrating voice is no big deal. It doesn't involve months of development time, and it certainly isn't a hassle, since it enhances the game way beyond anything seen on the PC.




how would you do emotes


I think voice communication easily trumps typing/emotes any day of the week...


most modern PCs have nice graphics cards that are the same as or better than consoles...


Did I say that Xbox graphics were better than PC? Who in their right mind would say that? What I said was that the Xbox could easily HANDLE anything SWG can throw at it performance-wise.


there are some more than rock solid networks for PCs, PC was the first to have the internet and was designed for the internet...


WTF? Xbox Live was designed from the ground up to handle Broadband players. It can handle 1 million players logged on at the SAME TIME! Do you know any PC network that can boast about those kind of numbers? It provides lag-free play, with no compatibiliy issues. The PC would be VERY hard pressed to match Xbox Live

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What, you think there are no more than a million people on the internet at any given time? ;)


Well I seriously doubt that voice chat over XBox Live would work whatsoever. Seeing as so many people would be talking at the same time, you would not be able to hear any one person. Plus, MOST people are VERY hard to understand over the voice chat. Since a lot of people do not like to talk to strangers over the voice chat, they would be oppressed into silence, or choose many of the insanely hard to understand voice masks. A key board gets the point across to those who read it and are near to you. XBox has no keyboard, and I am not interested in going out and buying one to use just for a limited few games that would use it. Over voice chat, everyone would be able to hear you unless they integrated a distance recognition system that faded your voice and that of others as well. But with so many people in towns and such, and with everyone sounding the same with the anonymous voice option, you would have no clue who was talking. With the XBox, you would not be able to handle emotes that tell your character to do a certain thing, such as wave, blow a kiss, crouch, take a head shot, look angry, look happy, etc. The XBox world would be full of dull, emotionless characters all using the anonymous voice chat that comes across as unfriendly and boring. There would be no movements by the characters beyond shooting and brawling. That is not a world I wish to be a part of.


P.S. How come no one is fighting for SWG on PS2 anymore?

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Originally posted by Crowkeeper

Yes, I already know some computer gamers despise the console gamers and I do not wish to start some debate which is better.


- Thanks




I never limited my gaming exsperience to consoles or pc........i live life searching for the ulitmate game that will challenge me forever........swg sounds like that game

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Originally posted by Kaiser Spaso

I never limited my gaming exsperience to consoles or pc........i live life searching for the ulitmate game that will challenge me forever........swg sounds like that game


What so you can be a jedi??:confused: If so may the force be with you :fett:






You will Need It After All

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What, you think there are no more than a million people on the internet at any given time?


Do you know of any GAMING network that has that kind of capacity?


Plus, MOST people are VERY hard to understand over the voice chat.


Where are you getting this from? Usually when someone wants to get a point across they actually have something to back it up, instead of just making a statement off the top of their head.




But with so many people in towns and such, and with everyone sounding the same with the anonymous voice option, you would have no clue who was talking.


When someone speaks they usually want to speak to a particular person. When they do speak to that particular person a "voice chat yes/no" thingy pops up. If you want to listen to everything that's being said whithin your vicinity then hey you can do that. It's not like you would have to listen to everything being said whting 1 square km.

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Originally posted by thanek

"Do you know of any GAMING network that has that kind of capacity?"


Yes. Gamespy boasts of millions playing online. BUT... There are different SECTIONS of Gamespy. It is divided up into smaller sections of Gamespy dedicated to playing one game, such as Medal of Honor. Checkers is not played on the same server as Medal of Honor. And the million people you claim to be on XBox Live at the SAME time are out of the "minority" who own XBox's, are playing at any given time, have XBox Live subscriptions, and are playing any one game. The XBox Live is broken down into "Farms" to relieve lag issues and server overloads. No one server supports ALL the players. There are "Farms" for each game. So no, there are no MILLIONS at one time, just different servers for different games. That would be a hellova bandwidth heavy server to support MILLIONS at a time. ;)


"Where are you getting this from? Usually when someone wants to get a point across they actually have something to back it up, instead of just making a statement off the top of their head."


Well, in MY opinion, people were VERY hard to understand.


1.) They did not speak loud enough.


2.) They did not speak into the mic.


3.) Their choice of voice mask made it VERY difficult to understand ANYTHING they said; especially the robot mask.


4.) There is a colorful choice of language much akin to the likes of sailors. For some reason, it seems to be required to flame people.


5.) They spoke too fast.


6.) You were not paying attention.


7.) ANY mix of the above.



When someone speaks they usually want to speak to a particular person. When they do speak to that particular person a "voice chat yes/no" thingy pops up. If you want to listen to everything that's being said whithin your vicinity then hey you can do that. It's not like you would have to listen to everything being said whting 1 square km.


What game are you playing that opens an option for voice chat? I know NFL Fever did not have that option. Neither does Ghost Recon, MotoGP, or that pitiful excuse for a game, Whacked. Sure, in the lobby there is the option to turn voice chat on or off, but in the game the only choice you have really is to mute yourself. EVERYONE in the game could be heard, unless there was filtering such as, "They are not on your team. They must choose the option of letting the other team hear them."

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