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Release Date!


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Hey guys,I E-mailed Lucas Arts asking them if SWBG would be a simultaneous world-wide release, because in Australia we usually get games about 50 years after you guys in the U.S do,and I got a reply from the distributer here telling me it's going to be a world-wide release on 14th November.

I don't know if you already know this but I thought I'd mention it.:cool:

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Oh thats just dandy isnt it..........yuck!!! I was hoping to have it in my hands within the first week of Novemebr as I pre-ordered it with the doggie tags and book. Now I have to wait until around thanksgiving? Oh well now I have another thing to be thankful for. By the way how do you publish a hints and tips book when no one has even played it?

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Guest Hannibal
Originally posted by T.I.E

By the way how do you publish a hints and tips book when no one has even played it?


It's like paying a guy to sit next to you and tell you what happens in a movie.

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Originally posted by T.I.E

Oh well now I have another thing to be thankful for. By the way how do you publish a hints and tips book when no one has even played it?


It's published by the makers of the game, who've played it and developed it, obviously. So they probably are the best ones to give us hints...



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Guest Arathorn_7

November 14th? That is too close to the XBox launch. As much as I have been salivating over SWGB for months, I've been peeing my pants over the XBox for longer. Darn.

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