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Getting killed in SWG?


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I was wondering when you die in the game if you will get vitae or something of that nature. Basically what I'm asking is do your skills go down for a little bit until you do actions that decrease the vitae until its gone? Or will they just have you lose your items that are not insured?

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Yes, and no.


It all dependes when you "saved", to use that word, your character at a cloning facility last time. When you do that, your current skills, attributes, all that is you, will be stored for your future clone should you require it. If that was 2 minutes prior to your death, that won't be so bad. Hardly noticable really. But if it's days, maybe weeks since the last time, that would be very bad indeed.


Note: Items you are carrying not included.

A seperate function exists for that purpose, called insurance. Works the same way you insure any item in the real world, but without the paperwork. :D

Just pay and be done with it. ;)

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Oooooooooo ok Jan I get it now. So you should basically "save" every time something you dont want to lose happens to your character. And for Exars question I read in the FAQ that you do just come out of the cloning facility due to the fact that they ahve to make the clone of you.:p

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So let's see, please tell me if I'm wrong. To ge an item insured, you go to, let's say an insurance office, and pay x amount of credits for the office to insure your item. Then I walk out of the store and get hit by a speeder that slices my pitiful body into 2 lifeless, mangled... *ahem* After that could I just go back to the insurance office and get those exact insured items back? Or does it work differently? Also, once you die once and recover an insured item do you need to "renew" your policy, or is the item forever insured?

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