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Smack Talking


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Noticed tonight that all the Smack Talkers (Smack Talkers = The players that spend most of the game insulting players) in a Team game are the ones at the lower end of the score table. The Top few players are doing all the work, yet at the end of the game that player that's close to the bottom of the score table, feels he has to taunt the other side on how bad they played.


LOL makes me laugh, if they did the work and got the scores I would not mind so much. I am not a rpg player but what happened to if some one plays well saying GF or GS.. but no all you get now is YOUR GAY... YOUR name is gay... and the big insult :rolleyes: YOUR LAME or in a duel I would own you. well that's such a insult in a CtF game :D

hehehehe or my fav comments Pull hore or Gun hore (wtf on this one, if ya going to walk around saber of looking like a prat, I am going to stick this rocket launcher up ya nose and fire LOL)

any one else got any funny comments some one has tried to insult you with! (got to say I liked the insult in the demo of DeTRiTiC-iQ of your Dumb. hahahaha and the come back was so funny yep that's what the name means LMFAO)



The other player I hate is team killers, and if there is one on the op side to me, I try to let the other team know that I am just after the team killer, if they let me in to there base.

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

Noticed tonight that all the Smack Talkers (Smack Talkers = The players that spend most of the game insulting players) in a Team game are the ones at the lower end of the score table.


There you have your answer :) If you go insulting ppl, you can't kill ;)


Nah but I hate them to, but what to do about them? I mostly ignore them...

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I don't play team games much. I think JK2 is MISERABLE for CTF. Never been a fan of TDM either. But when I run into guys who talk smack, I just hunt them down for the rest of the game and step on their neck a bit. Only have to frag them a couple of times in a row before they get annoyed and disconnect.

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Originally posted by Datheus

I don't play team games much. I think JK2 is MISERABLE for CTF. Never been a fan of TDM either. But when I run into guys who talk smack, I just hunt them down for the rest of the game and step on their neck a bit. Only have to frag them a couple of times in a row before they get annoyed and disconnect.



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The only time I get really verbally abusive is when I play pub CTF matches and my team is full of morons who won't listen.


I have the flag, I'm well hidden and if someone should find me I am more than capable of defending myself.


Yet I have all 6 team mates defending the spot where our flag normally would be.

It's not there because the other team has it and despite me telling them to leave and go kill the guy with the big red thing strapped to his back no one will leave our base...

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

The only time I get really verbally abusive is when I play pub CTF matches and my team is full of morons who won't listen.


I have the flag, I'm well hidden and if someone should find me I am more than capable of defending myself.


Yet I have all 6 team mates defending the spot where our flag normally would be.

It's not there because the other team has it and despite me telling them to leave and go kill the guy with the big red thing strapped to his back no one will leave our base...


Hahahahaha yea see that all the time defending a Flag that's not there, or getting in my way when I am trying to stay alive.


also on bespin streets, I was on the platform (I have the flag) but before I could score the op team grabbed the Flag, I am rdy to kick his arse over the side, but to my dismay one of my own team thought that if he try's to blow the guy of the edge with a BIG gun that will work..... well I get it in the face from the BIG gun any fly off the platform. and to add insult to it, the op team guy got away and scored with the flag.



Originally posted by Prime

I'll usually take a shot back, especially if they are at the bottom end of the scoreboard.


"You sure played a good game, look at the kills you...whoops, sorry"


in a game last night some one made the comment of... I know why I gave this game up now, well I could not help my self, and had to reply whys that cus your crap! hahahahahahaha ops slap my wrist I spoke the Smack Talk :o

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