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I'm really shocked :( :( First of all I hope you DO get well and that you are able to get medical attention. It would be really bad for you to go on like this, not doing anything about it!


Secondly, I'm shocked by the fact you don't have the money for some kind of doctor! Here in the Netherlands anyone has basic medical care, whether you're homeless or super rich. I almost can't believe the system where you live works like that :(


I really hope you can work things out :(

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Must be a local thing. We use senority (the longer you've been around, the better stuff you get. Since so many people have high senority in our hub, it takes people roughly 3-5 years to gain enough to get offered a full time position)



I think the main thing, I fear getting involved into stuff. I barely have time as it is, and I can't get something MORE put on my schedule. I'm gone from the morning till 10:30 every night except the weekends, and I'm running all my errands on the weekend


If you're committed to getting better, you'll find the time. If you can't, you might as well just give up now, because all this other stuff you're doing is more important to you than your health.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

There are "ways" of getting help, but it involves so much crap getting it. Paperwork, signatures, contracts, etc... you never know what you're getting yourself into.


Wouldnt you rather sign a few papers than die?

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Dude, RP. You dont want to die. You are living for a reason. Why did you survive those "attacks"? Because God wanted you to live. For a reason. If you died, your family will in the most likelyness be depressed forever. And, if you dont care about that, then, I'd say you were a selfish bastard. Which I know you're not RP. You are one of the nicest people I know. And when the time feels right, you will do what your heart will tell you and will hopefully follow our advice. I guess this is all I have to say.

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