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Big, Clear, And Amazing Hl2 Screen Captures!

Bob Gnarly

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Originally posted by Lost Welshman

I'm even less convinced now that I found out they came from some french site only, no news from sierra or valve???


Those pics are exactly the same as those found in the PCZone UK Half-life 2 exclusive preview. Trust me, it's definitely Half-Life 2. ;)


It seems like no one has found the missing shadows yet...

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Stormy's right. That is Half-Life 2, no doubt about it. Unless, of course, this is the biggest (and first) industry cover up/hoax in gaming history. The word "unlikely" springs to mind ;)


Luckily I'm planning a major system upgrade in August, just in time for Half-Life 2, Doom 3 and Republic. Three fantastic looking games :)


Edit: By the way, I would scan in the entire PC ZONE article for you Welshman, just to prove it. But a) I can't be bothered and b) it's illegal :p

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I'm sorry I doubted you guys, thanks to Stormhammer I am convinced Half-life 2 will be the best FPS EVER!


The AI sounds amazing, I can't wait until september!


I still have one question though, how come PCGamer haven't even mentioned the game at all in the most recent magazine? They haven't even advertised it for the next one?

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Originally posted by The_One

Luckily I'm planning a major system upgrade in August, just in time for Half-Life 2, Doom 3 and Republic. Three fantastic looking games :)


Don't forget S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Far-Cry, KOTOR, JA...the list goes on and on this year. I desperately need a new system. An 850 Mhz Athlon with 256Mb SDRAM just don't cut it any more...even with a Radeon 9700 Pro (which is still glitchy...grr...)


Time to start saving the pennies. ;)


Half-Life 2 should be very, very good. I expect a lot more from it than D3...

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PC ZONE gained exclusive rights for a preview of Half-Life 2 in the UK. I believe the US PC GAMER did the same over there. That's why they are the only two magazines who have any coverage of the game.


Expect lots more info in a couple of weeks when E3 kicks off though ;)

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