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Stupid Casino Elevator Problem


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I recently got Grim Fandango and I must say its quite the amazing game! Unfortunately, I'm stuck. I'm in the casino elevator and I don't know how to get the forklift to stop the door. I think its because the computer is too fast. I downloaded the patch and that didn't seem to help. Maybe I'm just thickheaded. Anyway, your help is greatly appreciated.

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Well, I tried the .lab file thing. I found that there weren't any year 2 files. only 0, 1 and 3. So I used the 0 files and nothing happened. Maybe its fine and I'm just horrible at the puzzle.


I can't seem to get the forklift close enough to the door. When I get off of it to raise the fork the thing backs up.


I hope I'm missing something really simple.

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You could try CPU Killer to slow down your processor, but even then the lift thing can be irritating. Obviously, the lift has to be going up at the time, and definitely try jamming the fork-lift under the slot closest to the switch, so Manny doesn't have to run so far when he hops on the fork lift truck. Make a save game just before you hit the switch to save time when retrying.

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Well, I'm still stuck. I must be an idiot or something. My problem seems to be that when I think I've got the fork in the slot I get off the forklift and it backs away from the slot. I'm getting desperate. I'm even considering looking for some grim fandango saved games that I could download :eek:

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  • 4 weeks later...

!! so it IS possible to get passed this problem with a new computer? please please please, tell me EXACTLY how you did. i'm loosing my mind here.. i even thought of buying an old computer to be able to get passed this elevator-thing

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