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I'm looking to start a clan...


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I call it:


The DarkSaberClan


So, I need to know these things:


1) I need to know how to make it go on the internet.


2)How can I make rules?


3) Is there any way to put a discription thingy for a subtitle?


4) Do you want to join? :p


Once again, I need to know all these things to make a successful first clan.


Thanks in advance!

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Oh please... :rolleyes:


Enough of that.


No, it wouldn't make it your clan because I'm the one that started it. I just need some basic tips. Such as the questions I asked!


Now stop wasting my time. :p!


I'm not kidding. You make me very :mad:.

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Ok ok:


1) I need to know how to make it go on the internet?Wots your msn addres ill invite you to a convo with someone who can help you if your serious


2)How can I make rules?make some rules in notepad to start off with or try to get a forum and sticky them


3) Is there any way to put a discription thingy for a subtitle?:confused: dunno what you mean


4) Do you want to join? Im already in a Pa m8 ;)

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Originally posted by JeanLuc



I just posted this on the wrong website!


Move this to the Jedi Knight II website!!


:eek: :eek: :eek:


Why do the bad things always happen to me????


Rofl well im no mod wish i was though <<<<< But wait till wraith come's on hell lock it i would start a new thread other at the jk2 forums :)

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JeanLuc, their are already a lot of clans in existence, and to start a new clan at this pont in jk2's life-cycle is a bit of a waste, you really should wait til Jedi Academy to come out, then their will be more people interested. If you really want to be in a clan, then join an existing one.



if yo uwant to start a clan for jedi academy, then you should get a website / forums, if u are advertising here, then make sure you say what kind of clan it will be ie a saber only clan, or a guns clan, ffa or ctf or both etc.

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