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Combat Medic - Best Species is....?


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Im not sure what I'll be, but unfortunatly...I dont think I will be breaking the mold.:(

But, I'll make my thought out character and roleplay and then...My character will develop opinions of his own and act on them. So I may very well break the mold anyway. Thats what makes MMORPGs exciting. In my opinion.

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Captain LeChuck,


My main intention was not to say that you have to break a mold. By deciding to play a character that is thought out, yoe are ALREADY, breaking the mold. There are too many people who are worried about being the uberdood and not about enjoying their character. It sounds to me that you really want to roleplay a character to its fullest.


My point is simply this, be what you want. After that, do what you want with that character. If you have a good time, screw everyone else. In my long winded eulagy, that was all I was trying to say.



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