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How do you think they should make the next Star Wars game?


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Assuming you’ve played all of the ones that have already been out, what would you have changed about any of them? Or is there a game concept that they haven’t done yet that you think they should have, like a new game about Han and Chewie, or something?

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I've been rallying everybody to back me up on the need for a good Han Solo & Chewie game. Maybe if enough of us agree on it, we can all send a letter to George or Lucas Arts asking them to create one. Maybe it's a long-shot, but I just can't believe they haven't done one yet.

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I'm pretty sure there's an ewok porn website out there. It comes out of Sweden, I think...






Wally the space dolphin would like to see a computer game in which you play a psychotic mercenary who suffers a lobotomy gone horribly wrong and is possessed by the ghosts of Machiavelli and Keith Moon, then steals a custom-built farm tractor armored with three-inch steel plating and bristling with hellbender missiles, takes it on a harrowing ride down the wrong side of the interstate on his way to Washington, DC, and then finally gets it stuck in the reflecting pool and rockets the white house in front of major network news cameras just in time to capture the look of surprise on the president's face when he opens the front door to get his newspaper.


But that's not exactly Star Wars now, is it, Wally? :rolleyes:

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My ultimate SW game would be a JK/MotS (or heck, JKO, but with a half-decent interface) style "action RPG," based on The Darkstryder Campaign from WEG.


It could be a mix of F/SPS & puzzle-solving, and air/space flight sim.


Quick outline: 4 years after Endor, Moff Sarne's pocket-Empire on Kathol collapses, but Sarne escapes into the largely unexplored "Kathol Outback" (i.e., about 86% of Kathol Sector). As the Republic fleet is pulled back to the Core, Lt. Page commissions a small task force to go after Sarne in the highly modified Corellian Corvette that he left behind (the FarStar). Why? Because during his retreat, Sarne demonstrated that he has access to incredible, previously unknown technology --technology that Page believes could bring the Republic to its knees. Technology known only as Darkstryder. His NRI "superiors" dismiss his concerns as paranoia, which is why his team is so small; just a squad of commandos and a squadron of mixed X-wings and Defender fighters.


The crew takes on volunteers from Sarne's regime --mostly rescued POWs, but also a few mutinous soldiers that Sarne left behind to get killed, and even a few mercenaries who sign on for their own enigmatic purposes. Unbeknownst to the Republic commandos (but strongly suspected), is that some of these "volunteers" are Sarne's sleeper agents, while others are loyal soldiers who want to rejoin him and are planning to sabotage our heroes when they get close. Still others have vendettas against Sarne, and are more interested in killing him than taking him into custody --naturally, these don't take kindly to Sarne's "loyal" flunkies. There's also a few genuine criminal sociopaths (including an arsonist, a political assasin, and at least one serial killer), hoping to escape the re-establishment of law (and their return to prison). And even the Republic crew have some interpersonal conflicts that are one careless word away from coming to blows.


As the adventure continues, it becomes increasingly clear that there's a Force-User on board. A Dark Force-user. :jedijawa:


So here they are. A rag-tag crew, most of whom are at each others' throats, sailing into unexplored (but inhabited) space, aboard a ship that the villain provided, in pursuit of someone with technology far beyond anything they are prepared to deal with.

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Guys, check out the new screens for Star Wars Rogue Leader III:

http://www.gamers.com/game/1340454 - unfortunately we have to wait until the end of this year before it comes out, but it looks like it's going to be way better than R.L. 1, not just due to better graphics, but because it will be more about the first three movies and less about unfamiliar levels or missions that they usually throw in there.




Wouldn't this make a cool signature?:



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A cool sig? Well...what would it say about someone--that they're very sneaky, but never get anywhere?


For me (and this is just an opinion thing, so please feel free to dismiss it out of hand) a sig is words. :) Words that you yourself came up with...although quoting someone else will do in a pinch.


Also, I like a sig that is inscrutable. :D

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The only image sig I can imagine myself using here:


It pretty much sums it all up for me. I suspect it's way too big to be used here though... and I'm way too lazy to redo it.

My current sig pretty much describes my current attitude towards most of the sigs around here these days anyway. It'll have to do for now.

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You know what we are, Edlib? Old school, dog!


*(Hobbles to the chair by the fire and creaks into. Looks at the young pups gathered around.)*


You young 'uns don't know how much stuff you have today. Why, when we first started forum lounging, there were no avatars, no flashy pictures for sigs...heck, that many pixels would've clogged up our computers like a fat chick who ate a block of cheese! RAM was a number with two digits, no one had a scroll button, and if you wanted to listen to music while you were online, you turned on the radio. Our bulletin boards? Pah! You had to search the web for your own smilies, and there was no private messaging (we just used e-mail in those days, if anyone remembers that.) We had internet messaging, of course, but it was primitive...most folks used ICQ, not MSN, and AOL was the antichrist as far as most of us were concerned.




Okay, so AOL is still the antichrist. Some things never change... :D

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Originally posted by benTantilles


u play the guitar? what model? what sorta music?

Yeh. My #1 guitar looks exactly like the one in the pic. It's a late '80s PRS, back from the time you could get a Paul Reed in any color you wanted, as long as it was yellow. I have a few others... 10, last I counted. Mostly old Gibsons.

I attempt to play a strage hybrid of rock, blues, metal, funk, jazz, classical-ish sounding bits, and even the occasional bluegrass or country lick. What back in the '70s might have passed as "Progressive Rock," except I don't practice enough anymore to pull off the most demanding technical moves that style seems to require.

I had posted a MP3 here that was up on my webspace not that long ago of me and a couple of friends goofing around in a studio, but I took it down to save space and bandwidth. Maybe I'll put another one up.

Jem (who is also a guit-fiddle player here, along with Nitro) has a copy of the CD I made with my friends,.. he can probably give you a better, more honest review of my abilities than I can.


Zoom-- Yes indeedy,.. we (and I mean the collective "WE",.. meaning the current population of XWA'ers) are the old dawgs of the LA network. It seems sometimes that these youngins' show no respect for our venerated position.

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