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assault on lance (Captain EjL 2)

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ej: ill get my ship ready. all my men go into the atr, ne one else who wanna pilot the atr can. the guys who stole some weapons ride with me.


*suddenly a bunch of guards came out shooting blaster bolts at them*


ej: mk realse the crate with the mp-40s. everyone grab an mp-40.


*rat tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut.* * guards everywhere are falling*

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One of Darth Lance's cronies, by the given sith codename "Vengeance", walks into the docking bay where Craig and everyone else were fighting off a couple of guards, lightsaber activated and giving off a red glow. His mission was to slow down EJ's process of trying to find his master's secret base, where EJ's old troops are working non-stop on a new Death Star.


This was the presence I was sensing.


"Rythe, I just felt another presence in the Force," I informed the Dark Lord,"A strong presence, but not as strong as the both of us. He is located somewhere at the docking bay where Craig and the others loading the ships. Let's go!"


Rythe and I dash off as if running on air with the flow of the Force strengthening and adjusting our legs to run even faster than any normal being, killing off heavily armed guards as we went.

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He felt the surge and turned to the Sith. He aimed both guns and fired rapidly, and watched as the Sith blocked all the bullets with his lightsaber. Craig drew out his old lightsaber and held it in ready position, "I'll take care of this guy, get rid of the guards and prepare for take off"

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I thought that was a good idea, so I imagined myself gathering the energy from around me and using it to boost myself up into the air, which surfaced to reality, and I began to lift off of the ground.


"You handle Vengeance, I'll make sure they get to their ships safely! Kapeesh?" :D

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*vengance comes walking over with his red lightsaber and ej sees him fighting craig. ej activates his blue lightsaber and his swartchz ring that he earned from yogurt's training. then ej joins the fight. ej jumps over vengance and shoots lightning. vengance blocks it and force pushes ej into a thing of crates.*

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Craig, in his own anger at throwing ej back like that, attacked swiftly, but watched in amazement as Vengeance parries all his attacks and strikes. Craig dodges and counters, only to see it blocked again. Vengeance then struck at Craig with his lightsaber and he blocked it, but the attack caused the lightsaber to fizz out and go flying out of Craig's hand. Craig had only once chance left, and he realized this as he drew his sword. Vengeance laughed, but soon stopped to find that his saber did not cut through the sword blade on contact. Craig kicked Vengeance back, then in a mad rage, tossed down his sword and was surrounded in a firey aura, and the gauntlets he wore ignited with flames. He ran up to Vengeance and struck twice with his bare fist, rolled away from the counter, kicked him up into the air, leaped, and drill kicked him back to the ground, all this with fire elemental added. Vengeance's lightsaber skidded away after being drilled into the ground.



((OOC: If you would prefer I not control Vengeance as much as I did, then I'll edit this post))

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((OOC: Go ahead and control Vengeance as much as you want, Craig. And no, I won't get your guy killed, Rythe, my good buddy. You can trust me on that one. :cool: ))




Realizing that he was outnumbered, Vengeance had done something very drastic. He now knew about Craig's abilities, so now he could use them, as he could copy anyone's special powers if he comes into contact with that character.


This was a dangerous idea for Craig to get mixed up this, I thought, No one knows that you can't defeat Vengeance that easily. It seems Craig had not known, though.


As if in reply to Rythe's prediction, I had asked what seemed to be troubling him.


He replied,"This enemy, this Vengeance. He can copy the abilities of enemies he encounters!"


I was shocked to hear such things that I already knew about, but I said,"I don't think that will be a problem for me. You make sure they get to the Gettysburg safely."


Rythe replied, muttering, "Right. Now I can't help. Thanks alot....."


At that very moment, Vengeance pulled out the same sword that Craig had wielded, and in that very moment, used the same rage technique that was previously used by Craig to nearly bring death to him. That is, if I had not shown off my own demonic abilities.


Without hesitation, my eyes had turned to a sort of crimson gold color, while a third eye had appeared on my fore-head, my body encased in a silvery blue aura, my arms, hands, legs, and feet totally outstretched, my dark gold hair turning into the same silver blue color as the aura.


Lashing out with animal-like ferocity, my hands, now transformed into claws, scraped and tore Vengeance's body to pieces.


Meanwhile, Rythe had made sure everyone got on board the Gettysburg in good condition. He then turned to the previous battle, amazed without truly being amazed at how strong I had become since the first time we met. Not to worry, Rythe had also gotten stronger.


With just the flick of his wrist, he snapped Vengeance's neck like a twig.


That should be enough to buy them some time to get to "The Ragnarok" and "The Outlaw Star", Topshot's ship, he calculated. (pics will be posted soon of "The Outlaw Star.")

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Vengeance got back up and pulled his lightsaber to his hand, then struck at Craig. Rythe intervened and blocked blow after blow with his lightsaber, then Craig came in from the side and kicked him in the gut, then punched him in the nose. Vengeance recovered and Rythe went on the offensive, causing Vengeance to have to go on the defensive. Craig waited for an opening to attack.

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Craig picked up his sword and ran to the Ragnarok. (Sorry, my post of the fight vs. vengeance seems to have come after Topshot's lol) He leaped atop it and then was surrounded in the firey aura. Craig threw countless fireballs toward Vengeance before deactivting the powers and running inside the Ragnarok.

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*with ej safely away in the gettysburg, the yt-2000 pulled out of the hangar along with the ragoarnok and topshot's ship.*


ej: im gonna blow this station apart and we can hyperspace away.


*ej flipped the cover of a big red button. ej depressed it and in a bright flash the station blew along with whatever personnel guards and vengance was left.*


ej: 1 down and 4 to go.

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Craig pulled Rythe onto the Ragnarok quickly, and it pulled away just as the station exploded. Craig shut the hatch door and moved to the cockpit, "Yes it was a little easy, but don't stick around especially with explosives onboard."


((OOC: Man, i should like, be awarded the most consistant RPer award.. look at the front page!)

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