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assault on lance (Captain EjL 2)

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Topshot lands at the designated area at which EJ recommended, the 3rd depot. He then quickly makes a few checks and signals his crew to come out of hiding.


Topshot:"Corporal, you and your men gaurd my back while I break open this lock."


Corporal:"Yes sir."


He then attempts to break off the lock with his saber, but to no avail, it had no effect due to cortosis shielding which snuffed out his blade.


Topshot:"Corporal, give me that D-11 you took from one of those stormtroopers back there."


The Corporal tosses a blaster to him.


Topshot:"Now, gaurd me!"


The Corporal and his men huddle around Topshot, forming a protective shield while he blasts the lock off.

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ej: hey craig whats up. all my men have half the money together. thanx for coming.


* a message comes in. mk tells ej there is a message from captain silver*


ej: silver what is it?


silver: captain, a enemy fleet has came out of hyperspace! it looks massive!


ej: allright hold on there for a moment. corpral how are we doing on the money extracting?


corpral: sir we are 99% done. here comes the last crate of money.


ej: thank you sir. get this money loaded up into the atr and return to skull cove. captain silver we are done with the robbery. craig and i will go and meet you at your location. i will come in with some more star destroyers and back up support, we will attack from their rear. u try to retreat back and we will catch them off gaurd.

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*ej's men loaded up in the ship and headed back to the jimmy's luck. then 3 gunships and a squadron of x wings joined ej's armada and they hyperspaced out. ej's force appeared behind them as expected and craig's forces appeared under lance's ships.


ej: gun commander! load the proton torpedoes and fire at their engines and shield towers!


gun commander: roger roger


* blue proton torpedoes flew out of the missle tubes and hit the shield towers on one ship and the engines on another. the commander ordered the ships to turn around and start attacking ej's forces while a smaller force left the main group and attacked captain silver's group.*


captain silver: helm's man turn around and start shooting lasers and torpedoes and ion lasers. we will destroy this force and then move on to destroy the rest with the captain.


ej: corpral ready my tie defender and send out a squad of xwings and awings. i will lead the xwings.

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Topshot and his men make their way into the first room of the 3rd depot, encountering and blasting gaurds from left to right, diagonal and vertical.


Hiding in the safety of the shadows, Topshot activates his commlink.


Topshot:"EJ, we just made it in. It seems that Lance's forces have already taken guns and weapons from this sector to somewhere else. You sure there's anything left here?"

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The Ragnarok left the Bank to help in the fight. The minute the ship arrived, its guns started firing off at the armada. Craig's friends moved in. Craig realized that the armada was much bigger than they were used to taking out, and extra precautions would have to be taken. He swerved under a platoon of enemy ships, the tail gun of the Ragnarok blazed, shooting down the ships in the platoon. Craig jerked hard on the controls, causing the Ragnarok to spin away from an oncoming torpedo.

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<as ej's tie defender soared out of the hangar he was joined by a squadron of xwings and a wings. the awings flew towars the shield towers of 2 capital ships. the xwings and ej encountered several lance's star fighters. they shot proton torpedoes and destroyed most of the group then they made a u-turn and destroyed the rest with lasers.>


captain: sir the gunship corellia is being attacked! the dreadnaught africa is moving in to help out and is deploying tie fighters.


ej: thats great keep up the good work. im heading to the lead ship, order 2 squadrons of preybirds with space bombs. direct them to the underside of the lead ship. when the shield towers are down have the squadrons start firing their space bombs.


captain: roger roger

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<captain ej's tie defender soared towards the lead ship. he launched 3 missles and 2 torpedoes at one shield tower, and another 3 missles and 2 torpedoes at the other, but they missed.>


ej: blast! red 2 this is red leader shoot 4 torpedoes at the shield tower.


red 2: roger wilco.


<the torpedoes shot out and hit the tower. the sheilds on the hud displays in all the ships showwed that the shields flickered and died.>


ej: captain, order the 2 squadrons to fire thier space bombs.


captain: roger.


<2 squadrons of prey birds flew in and fired their space bombs. the capital ship tried to shoot them down with it's turbolasers but the bombs were too fast. they pounded into the underside and the other prey bird squadron fired their bombs into the bridge. the capital ship exploded leaving a huge mess of debris.>


ej: the other ships are going back into full retreat. captain i am going to fly back to the jimmy's luck and lead the rest of the attack there. red 2 you are red leader now of this flight group. how is the corellia?


captain: the corellia is fine, how ever it is going back to ramstien to get repairs.


ej: thats fine.


<ej's tie defender flew into the hangar and ej took an elevator to the bridge>


ej: allright, we will fire torpedoes at the capital ships and fire turbo lasers at the star fighters. we will chase them back to their hyper point and then meet at the bank. topshot and ryth should be done. craig set ur cordinates to the bank. captain silver go hyper out with craig.


captain silver: aye aye captain! always wanted to say that.

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<lance's fleet pushed on and they hypered out. several star fighters were destroyed during the retreat. in all 10 ships were destroyed from the bank and silver's attack area. but still lance's fleet was big. ej's was still bigger.>


ej: allright lets get outta hear <and all the ships vanished into hyperspace.>


<in a 1/2 hour ej's ships and craigs ships arrived at the bank and found ryth's and topshot's ships there also.>


ej: allright everyone this opperation has succeded lets head back to ramstien to now make a final attack on lance's citadel.


< all the ships then flew back into hyperspace and returned back at ramstien>

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ej: allright everyone we have destroyed all 5 of lance's weapons depots and have siezed his money from the bank. now we are into the final assault, that is attack his fortress. my army will be attacking his army and our goal is to take over the citadel. topshot u and ryth may have the citadel to use as a jedi academy. craig i will give u some credits after i get paid by the furer.


all my ships are devoted to this now, if ne of u 3 would like to have ur groups participate, now is the time. now the 4 of us will go in and try to find the throne of lance. lance is my own problem so i will fight him alone, the 3 of u will go find the rest of my crew and take them using this device i call a teleportation ring, its set so it can send them back here in a large jail cell.


what i figured is we will be having cannon support along a ridge right here and gunship support unloading soldiers and loading wounded soldiers.


nebody have ne ideas?

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Craig wondered something and asked, "What kind of resistance are we expecting once we get there? My friends aren't participating in this one, but I'd like to know so I know what to expect when the guns start blazing."


He wanted to know because he was sure a Fortress had the capable firepower to shoot down his ship, and he really wasn't looking forward to pay for the repair expenses for the Ragnarok.

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ej: craig my friend, we will land on the cover of darnkness. and then we will set up camp and the cannon crews will set up their cannons along the ridge. then in the morning the troops will assemble and the battle will start. now my point is there wont be that much firepower cuz we will be flying in on the other side of the planet and far away from the radars.

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Topshot, by some misfortune of fate, makes it back to EJ's location. He walks into the room, carrying a huge pile of scrap metal from the last skirmish his men were in.


Topshot:"Not to interrupt anybody, but I've found something interesting from our last mission. That piece of scrap metal over there. Look familiar? It's from one of those old ion cannons that was used in the Intergalactic War. I decided to convert it to a protective device for our use. Newest of war machines. Might be useful in this next mission."

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ej: no topshot


* a droid walks over and takes the peice of armor down to the lab so it can be replicated*


ej: allright craig if u would like some armor for ur ship u may use it. we will be launching within 1 week. then we will begin the attack. if ne sith or dark jedi come in the way please keep them away.

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(Jeedii_zaarinn is gone on vacation or something for a few weeks, and after a quick conversation over AOL Instant Messenger, he put me in charge of his character until he gets back.)


Ej nodded to Rythe, and pointed him to a room to heal. After Rythe finished healing, he went over the briefing again.


Then, after the week had passed, they flew off under the cover of night and set up camp near Lance's citadel. Ej set up cannons along the ridge for defense.


He turned to the group for the final briefing.

"Captain Kidd and Captain Silver will lead the army to battle. Topshot, you and Craig must free the crew members, and I shall fight Lance. I do not want any of you to interfere, no matter how bad it seems."




Craig nodded, understanding all this. He wondered how well this would go. He had just gone through a major change in his demonic powers, and he hoped they would work for him as usual.

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After hearing the briefings, Topshot questioned himself whether or not he really shouldn't interfere in EJ's battle, but dismissed the thought and went on to something else on his mind.


What if this is a trap and they actually want us to come? What if they were ambushed? Who would be there gaurding the crew?


These questions seemed to flow through his mind like an endless sea of thoughts. He wasn't too worried, but was hoping that his apprentice wouldn't notice anything unusual about his master's current behavior.

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Ej finished setting up the defenses and turned to topshot, "whatever you have on you. Just take care of the guards, a hacker to get through security would be great, which im sure Craig can take care of."


Craig interrupted and grinned at Topshot, "Topshot's a better shot than I am with a gun, so yeah."


Ej continued, "Once we get in, I'm going to take on Lance. I don't want you to interfere, but I would prefer that you cover me from any interfering attacks, if possible."

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