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Force Powers

Dr. Zaius

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I thought it would also affect weak new players, but i would say jedis only use it if players annoy them or cause damage to them.


Well reaper, If i was a Jedi which I really have no great intrest in and some bum started going me crap ide kick his @$$ right there in public, sure I might get a mob of 400 people coming after me

( that would be friken awesome though:p ) but at least the punk got what he deserves and itll teach him not to mess with people who like waffles :D:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by waffleman

Well reaper, If i was a Jedi which I really have no great intrest in and some bum started going me crap ide kick his @$$ right there in public, sure I might get a mob of 400 people coming after me

( that would be friken awesome though:p ) but at least the punk got what he deserves and itll teach him not to mess with people who like waffles :D:rolleyes:


thats right you tell em.

i like waffles ... especially belgium waffles AARGH but dont give me any of that fake crap made in taiwan belgium waffles sheesh

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