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Brush Question

Mr. Chopper

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Can I 'merge' two brushes? I'm wondering because since I (and everyone else) has to cut brushes to make doorways and such, I have alot of...extra brushes. Which in turn causes the textures to look a little odd in the light. So basically, is there any way I can turn two brushes into one?


Since we're on the subject of lighting.... how do you do it? I've read richdiesal's tutorial on lighting, which was real basic. This is a light, this is how you add a light, etc... I don't have a good grasp of lighting placement, intensity, etc, and it shows in my map. That's the only thing I have yet to grasp. :(

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If you are using GtkRadiant 1.2.11 or later, there is a CSG Merge function that can combine two brushes, as long as the brushes have a convex hull when they combine (if they don't, Radiant will just tell you that and won't do it). Or you can always delete one of the brushes and extend the other into the empty space.

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Originally posted by Mr. Chopper

What's a concave hull? :confused:

It is the opposite of the convex hull mentioned by wedge. :)


You know, convex is when you can draw a line between any two points of the object and the line will never go outside of the object. Concave is when the line can go outside.

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It just means that there cannot be any two points on the surfaces of the two brushes such that an imaginary line connecting the two will pass outside of the two brushes. Just hit, CSG Merge, and if it says they have a concave hull, you can't merge them, so don't try again, that's all.


(Thanks LJ for the geometrical explanation!)

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well crap..... because on the walls of my map where I've cut them, they look like crap with light shining on them. I mean, it's obvious where I Cut them because you can see the line. If I can I'll post a screenshot... but how can I fix this major... MAJOR headache?

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Originally posted by Mr. Chopper

well crap..... because on the walls of my map where I've cut them, they look like crap with light shining on them. I mean, it's obvious where I Cut them because you can see the line. If I can I'll post a screenshot... but how can I fix this major... MAJOR headache?

To me, this sounds more like a texturing problem. But I could be wrong, of course. The screenshot will undoubtly clear things.

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Shots 1, 3, 4, and 5 you could fix by merging the offending brushes if you can manage that. If you have GtkRadiant, just select two brushes to merge and click the CSG Merge button. Shot 2 cannot be fixed by merging, because those brushes have a concave hull...there's an "inside" corner, see?


What compile did you run? In all likelihood, if this is a test compile, the problem will go away when you run a final compile (SOF2MAP bsp fullVIS extra or q3map2 -light -super 2 -filter -bounce X)

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I'll be damned. I have never seen anything like that before! This must be some sort of an MP issue, so I'm totally incapable of giving any more opinions. I hope you'll get rid of that bug soon. It sure must be irritating enough.

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