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only a little bit of poetry

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Been a while kids!!! yea DSS reporting in ;) still breathing among the livings ;) i just finished some work, hope you like them :p


For a princess:



I have no body and I feel no pain,

for I am no longer here again.


A farewell to my self,

a farewell to my flamme,

Sleeping beauty in the darkest abyss

restless beast in the wind.


Born to die

die to reborn


human? beast?

earth? wind?


what am i?

who am i?


I wish to be a doubtful kiss

of an ancient being,

i dont want to be trusted with lies.


Still you are there

you beautyful eyes glance at this corpse


How i wish to have my arms

i want to hold you

I miss my lips

i want to kiss you


how i wish to be a spring drop, to

make your flower grow, how i wish to be the wind to move

trought your hair, how i wish to awake on your arms to make

you breath the air





A black rose


Days had come, winters had gone,

and the winds had stopped their way.


Last night I was holding your petals,

this morning I am alone,

wondering and watching the skies.


Why? I cant speak anymore

I dont have any breath left in chest


Still, I have to tell you a lot

my past, my story, my legend


Sorrow? desception?

No my rose, dont be afraid,

I promised to take care of you,

I want to protect you.


I am inside, I bring you fantasy.

alas, I miss you, so much.


On all your fantasies, you always knew

that some day I could not beat the tides.


Still, my black rose, I miss you,

I remember the days when my fingertips were touching your black petals.

Wait for me, I shall resist the barriers,

Hear me, hear me, I promise you.

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Poetry heh?

I wrote something for my english course, though its probably not as good as yours :




Im barely standing in front,

hands shaking and blankly staring,

Calm and ready on the outside,

Nervous and lost on the inside,

Everything stops, Everything goes silent.

Its all up to me now,

but I cant remember what I wrote down;

I open my mouth,

the words wont come out,

Crushed by pressure,

I am still stuck up here,


What was I going to say?





I got 8.2 on 10 for that which is like the second best mark in my class :D

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Ey thats very cool, congratulations!!! :D


Everything stops, Everything goes silent.

Its all up to me now,

but I cant remember what I wrote down;


i like this part, but, tell me: what do you wanted to write ;)


i wrote those 2 poems in english to practice a little bit, i write only in spanish but i wanna learn english poetry

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Very nice, you guys :)


And DSS, I think what Another_Trooper was talking about in his poem was the sensation one gets when one is talking in front of a crowd or a class or something like that...atleast, that's the impression I got. He seems to have forgotten what he was going to say when he stood up there, and he forgot what he wrote for his speech...

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Originally posted by krkode

And DSS, I think what Another_Trooper was talking about in his poem was the sensation one gets when one is talking in front of a crowd or a class or something like that...atleast, that's the impression I got. He seems to have forgotten what he was going to say when he stood up there, and he forgot what he wrote for his speech...


yeap, i too got that idea, what i meant was:


catch yourself INSIDE the poem:


what you wanted to say?


this an excercise i learned, it helps to be one with the letters :)

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This was written to be a song, I was listening to alot of Stone Temple Pilots when I wrote this. I recorded it on an 8-track with a band called Set-Up who sounded really good, but I never got to play with them because they decided to go the rap/311 sound and ditched the cool smoothe grunge sound/rock sound, and subsequently found another singer/rapper. Anyways, here is my song:D




{verse 1}

Passed by the lots the lost impared,

broken by the bones were sold and shared,

lost in a vision was the mission,

could'nt explain why the planes were missing,

not the fault of the flawed invention,

not the worst of my best intentions,

inside I hear a voice ringin'

was the fat lady singin'?



Feeling so indecisive,

one more push and I might give,

one last breath and I might live...

...and shine through tomorrow,

one last act for the last show,

take a bow for the sorrow,

one more push and I might go,

too expensive to swallow!


{verse 2}


One last twist to turn away,

one last word that saved the day,

magic numbers numeric pictures,

broken bottles and boring lectures,

puncture wounds and mobile homes,

sunlight shadows casting stones,

something left from the night before,

something left from the life before,


{chorus x 2}


Feeling so indecisive,

one more push and I might give

one more breath and I might live...

...and shine through tomorrow!

One last act for the last show,

take a bow for the sorrow,

one more push and I might go,

too expensive to swallow!


(verse 3)


Wilderness wanders weeping willows,

through the woods and under pillows,

pulling down into the mud,

passing through a passing flood,

standing alone on top of the flame,

salvation gets you once again,

where ever the wind may blow,

the others will follow!


{chorus x 2}


Feeling so indecisive,

one more push and I might give,

one more breath and I might live...

...and shine through tomorrow!

One last act for the last show,

take a bow for the sorrow,

one more push and I might go,

too expensive to swallow!




Darth Groovy, 2000

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Originally posted by Dark Sad Shadow

yeap, i too got that idea, what i meant was:


catch yourself INSIDE the poem:


what you wanted to say?


this an excercise i learned, it helps to be one with the letters :)


Woa. Thats too deep for me man!!

Wait. . i think i get your question, but if do then i dont know the answer. . . i never thought of that!

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Originally posted by Dark Sad Shadow


woa!!! thats pretty cool DG, did you got the mp3?


send us the mp3!!! :D


i like this:

"One last act for the last show,

take a bow for the sorrow,

one more push and I might go,

too expensive to swallow!"


impresive... most impresive :D


Your not the first person to ask that, If I could find the damn demo, I would make the mp3 for you. I am still looking for it.


In the meantime, here is another:


Performed by Vent


Lyrics By Darth Groovy(AKA Taro)


Skin feels so wet,

gave up trying to regret,

eyes are filling up again,

visions are thicker in pairs of ten,

or maybe eleven...


our faces are cut to even imperfection,

do you remember how you came this far?

do you remember who's driving this car?

at the stoplight.....


you never think of who you are!



They keep on laughing all the time,

the tape is always stuck in rewind

instead of trying to change the time

try putting your head back in your mind!


Walked down to the lakeshore today

tripping over boddies we once knew,

some faces for familiar but only few

theres always a party when there is nothing to do- I'll just wait and get invited too! Well it's still a few and maybe some, well I'll be a son of gun!


Guess you know you can't be right, you can never always be alright....


at the stoplight

at the stoplight

forgot what it was, but then it all hit at once...


at the stoplight, you never think of where you are.


It was a feeling that you never had, don't cry for me, you will surely be glad.

Father was a guy who probably was my dad, don't cry over that I never said I was sad,

Yes I know that I can never be right!

If we try real hard we can blow up the night1


at the stoplight

at the stoplight

at the stoplight

we never got very far,


at the stoplight

get out of the car,

you never know just what you are!



_1995 Manipulation! Music


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Originally posted by Dark Sad Shadow

Ok, try to catch this now;


You have something to say, you want to say it, but, how? wich words are correct to use?


I dont know what i supposedly wrote down, I wrote that poem in one shot so I didnt really think of the details and all:(

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

It sounds too much like rap! My ears! My blessed ears!:ball:


But it does look good. Nothing that I can match anyway.:p


Rap? :eyeraise:


This IS


This Is

This is, the song, make it right, make it wrong.

This is one time, one place,

I paint a mask to fit my face,

in a world replaced by a false disease

can it be that we are saved by grace?


People walk in front of a T.V. store an

evangelisth tries to save the poor,

not from poverty but from "etarnal pain"

every dollar spent to help his gain.

Mislead by the truth,

yelling man in a telephone booth.


This is the place we can't define,

this is the place

unscathed by time

this is the place where people hide,

this is the place where I reside.


We build to destroy,

a mind is used to erect and deploy

the millions who follow

their souls are empty hollow

imageine the fear that comforts thousands

over here and over there...

Termination breeds no terror

sirens in the air

smoke fills the bottomless void

shooting draws the paranoid

conversation end with a shot

communication lines tied in knots

we try and try and try for what?

This is the Earth,

one death one Birth

this is the palce where we find

to explain the pace of our disgrace

this is?, not this is.!!


Too many years endless and fears blined by the trust to beat the fears

wake up roll over bleeding

from the sholder

a nation growing older

unstressed by whispers and hatred

Winter is colder.

genocide condemed by moral suicide.

This is, this is, and so is this!


_Darth Groovy 1992

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