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Development Cutbacks


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When I first heard of SWG over a year ago I was excited to hear about all the features of the game and was eager for its release. After the initial appeal of the game to me I learned everything there was to know at the time about the game and once I had learned it all left to persue new obsessions and wait until the game was released. My interest in SWG has been renewed as of late due to the release date (hopefully) quickly approaching and while reading on the forums I heard about some changes they made to the game to not include as many things as they had initially planned. Since they removed these things during my absense from the community could someone please tell me what kind of things they decided to not include and elaborate on whether they have abandoned the ideas or just delayed them until a future expansion(s). Thanks for your time.

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Hm. Yes, since the official board is clogged with posts about "oooh, everything is removed from the game, there's nothing left!", I understand why you are anxious. But really, no need to fear. Here's what has been removed, as far as I know.


1) Player-made towns: Yes, upon release, we won't be able to make a player made town, though we'll be able to build a lot of houses on the same spot and call it a town. The difference? The player-made town patch is supposed to enable town politics, positions such as mayor etc, ways to regulate who can join the town, taxation etc. So not really removed from game, as much as postponed. And appearantly, few will have the resources to build a house before the patch, anyway.


2) The politician profession: Since player towns were cut from the release, there was no need to have politicians in it either. Might come back when player towns enters the game, and maybe not.


3) Slicers: This profession seems to have simply turned out dull and unnecessary durin beta. The profession was removed, and the important slicer skills where relocated to other professions. No loss.


4) Vehicles and mounts: Yup, the one most players have bitched about. The devs have asssured us that it will be among the first things they work on after release, so hopefully they'll be in before we afford them anyway.


5) Dark Jedi: I am still left wondering how someone can complain about the fact that the Dark Jedi code won't be in the game for maybe even 6-8 months. Why? Because only perhaps a half a dozen hardcore gamers will, in that time, a: unlock the Force Sensitive Slot and b) become a jedi knight and c) have the opportunity to fall to the dark side.


That's what comes to mind right now. And no, seing this list doesn't bother me at all. I doubt any of the cuts from the initial release will really affect the game for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by exizzt

It's not like they're not putting the things back in the game later, so I'm not mad.


Indeed, they just need a bit of time. Don't worry in a years time the game will be Perfect. :)


We will have everything we ever wanted. :D

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Also my dearly beloved Hutt faction is gone. It really depends on how far back you want to go.


The big factor is all the stuff they Have Kept and have improved over time.


A lot of the stuff that is out right now , they have added the data to the CD's but will just have to use small patches in the future to add it to the game.

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And I also think they said the Hutts will be back in on a larger scale...cause they were pretty big according to the SW universe.


But the things they took out...won't exactly kill the game, and if the game does come out in June, more yay!

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Originally posted by TheMaestro

And I also think they said the Hutts will be back in on a larger scale...cause they were pretty big according to the SW universe.


But the things they took out...won't exactly kill the game, and if the game does come out in June, more yay!


Indeed, the game would be perfect now in my opinion. But obviosuly there is things to still work on. :D To make our gaming experiance perfect. ;)


And indeed YAY to june. :D :D

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