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Sexual Issues


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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy

Seems pretty simple to me... But then, I am a perverted little sod :pI'd have thought that with your track record, Jais, that sort of thing would have appealed greatly to you :p


D'oh, I don't own a car...










I'll never look at my parent's Ford the same way, though.


Said too much again, didn't I?

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Originally posted by munik

Yeah, I'm surprised Jais didn't post a link for that autoeroticism thing. I could it add it to the list of wacked out sex sites that he has posted.


I'm tempted, but I don't know if it's within the forum's policy. Still, sex is sex, right? :rolleyes:


Oh, and if you think you'll be in any way whatsoever offended, stop reading this post. Now.







I warned you.







If you get a gut feeling from seeing any other sexual position than the missionary, I highly advise not looking.








Don't say I didn't warn ya.





Here it comes....







Hah, fooled ya, didn't I?






You can sue me for melting your brain, but you can't sue me for not giving you a proper warning.





Watch the pic. It'll bite your eyes.


Mind you, I'm risking a lot by doing this, hehe...


Or maybe I just like it.

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