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OK I have...


1.Exported my model as XSI to _humanoid folder

2. Extracted _humanoid.gla & animation.cfg to _humanoid folder

3. Copied Assimilate & Carcass to _humanoid folder

4. Opened Assimilate, file>add files> _humanoid.gla


The following error pops up on screen


"GLA file 'models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla' not found!"


Its in the folder so I know its there


Does anyone know what the problem is?

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Ok I sorted the above question. But I have another problem. When the program asks what I want to name file, I type model.car but it comes up with following error


"Cant spawn process"


What does that mean?



Im searching the forum at the mo without much luck

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Dunno if your gonna see this right away...but you need to assign your texture maps from the "base/models/players/"your character" directory in 3D max.


Yours are currently located in 3d max and not written in the glm with the "base" dir stucture...if that makes sense.

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I dont really understand what your saying. I assigned them in max from that folder but it doesn't load them cos it says it cant read em`.


I must have read Spacemonkeys tut 100 times but I cant get it!

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Hey Psyko, i went through your tut and it worked.


Got a few things I need to fix...


1. Floating hand, I suspect I may have weighted this to the wrong bone?


floating hand


2. Clipping of the tunic, I tunic clips quite badly on certain deformations. Can this be remedied with weighting?




*This is not targeted to solely PsykOSith if you know the answers post em!*

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/me looks around....


Well since no one else answered, here i go...


1.A few possibilities, first i'd check the bones envelope to see if it is positioned on the bone itself...sometimes the envelopes gets moved out of place. Just check the left hand bones in the skin modifier to make sure every envelope (those capsule things red and blue if i remember...) are overlaping the bones properly.


2.There's a few things you could do...like assign the same weight to both meshes (if they are separate meshes).


You could also delete the faces since they are hidden behind the tunic.

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