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I bought this cool pair of binoculars that zoom from 9x to 27x in about .3 sec, and I was wondering if anyone else owned a pair of binocs. Anyone know why they aren't as bright on a further zoom power when it is only 6:45 AM? thx in advance.

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I use binoculars for work....I have to look at Pallet ID's that are WAAAY High in the air (I get teased all the time "are you going bird watching? :mad: ) ne ways...mine are old school. You have to do the zooms by hand....so yours sound REALLy kewl...I wish I had a pair of those :(

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What you see through binocs is the light reflecting of objects (the same as your eyes duh!) When zoomed in the binocs get a smaller amount of light coming in because the field of view is smaller. Therefore, less light coming in = darker picture.


hey shan, I thought my job was a pain looking at pallet and product ID# all day. The highest we stack is 3 pallets (usually 2). I work in the warehouse for the sheriff's department.

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Objects in the warehouse where I work can be stacked to around 40 - 50 feet in the air. :D But hey, we also have a nuclear reactor head in there along with tons of other stuff, so we need the space. :cool:


Even thought I dont work in warehouse, although I have to visit it on average once a day, I just thought I would share.

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