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How exactly does a clan war work?


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My advice is to avoid it at all costs!!!!! If it is conducted correctly the loser of the War has their clan destroyed and the winners then have the rights to that losing clan's name. Its not something to really be involved in.


But I maybe wrong so if I am correct me :yoda:

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BahGeezus achilles.. you abandoned ERG when you we needed all our members pulled together.. and then expect us to be your good friends/allies? Most of ERG want nothing to do with your or the other defectors. I mean comon.. have some comon sense. Its like a job.. You just up and quit without giving 2 weeks and then want to be friends? You screwed us over. In our eyes and I mean all of us, you are being nothing more than a childish little boy like Rillian. I know that's a low blow.. but get over it. Your friendship is not wanted nor needed. You lost something you can never get back, so go about your own business.. go ally with Rillian's clan or something, they are right up in your league.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, lord siry was pretty close. Except the losing clan usualy doesn't comply to the "we get your clan" rules. But what happens is, members from both clans get on a server and do battle, victory is usualy measured in kill counts after a certain amount of time. "Technicaly" the winning clan has rights to the other clan. But normally, it doesn't work out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

My advice (new on these boards but not to the game, so you may want to listen) is almost exactly what they said. DONT GET IN A CLAN WAR!! What if you are havin a bad day and you fight badly???? Do you really want to lose your clan over that?? No, of course you dont, so just avoid it. If you REALLY REALLY hate these other clans, avoid them.


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