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How did you guys start modelling? I mean I've read some tutorials by now and got some tips by other modellers but I truly don't get it. Did you just learn by doing? I mean you also had to start somewhere, didn't you? Did you manage that alone? If not then please help me to help myself (heard that somewhere before).

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Hello and welcome,


I have just finished my first model for JK2, check out showcase forum Hindy's Legolas.


With regards to starting modeling a brought Paul Steed's book read loads of web tutorials and just went for it literally. I have learnt s much as I have gone along and now feel comfortable within 3DS Max.


If I had any problems or just burning questions I would post Q's here where they are normally quickly answered.


If you want specific tuts for a specific program ask and you will get links

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Well i started playing around in 3D max a while back but i didnt create anything useful until i found the right tutorials on the net.


I learned a couple of techniques (about 5) along the way, which are very useful depending on the kind of object i need to create: but my favorite is poly modelling by far.


Learning UVW mapping is also a must.

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I started tinkering with Milkshape when I was enlightened by the fact you could make custom weapons for Half-Life (I didn't get my first PC until I was a junior in High School, so PC games were new to me). I started searching for answers and ran into Milkshape 3D. It was nice because it had a simple interface, and I started with a simple Box modelling a human tutorial. I learned more about MS and that you could build an object up from faces by placing vertexes(dots) and connecting them (still a commong method for users of milkshape I noticed just yesterday). But I was much more attracted to the higher end graphics I was seeing, that's when I learned about Max. I got started with Gmax and its accompanying tutorials. Once I got past the oddly arrange interface, I was able to create basic stuff. More good tutorials and lots more practice and now I can create just about anything I put my mind too.


Some tips:

1) Try not to get too discouraged; it's not an easy process if you've never seen this stuff before. Which leads to step 2...

2) Never give up; I'm glad I never stopped attempting to make models. Eventually your attempts won't be attemps anymore.

3) Links links links; Find good step by step write-ups (tutorials) and bookmark them, work through them, reference them. I have so many bookmarked I can't keep track of them.

4) Take it one step at a time; if one technique seems to difficult to grasp at first, step down to something else that you think you can handle. By doing so, you'll see that the lesser task will most likely teach you something that can aid in the understanding of conquering that larger project.


Good luck m8.

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