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Making characters smaller

Mr. Furious

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Hi all


I'm a relative newbie to JO......i have downloaded the yoda mode from JKii.net but don't know how to scale him down to the proper size, at the moment i am running around as a 6ft yoda!!!!! can anyone help?????


Thanx in advance


Mr. Furious.:)

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Yes mate,

Outcast automatically makes all the models the same height. You need a mod to reduce the characters accordingly.


I know Jedimod does this, You can scale each one of your characters to a different height if you want. I've got it and it looks sweet! You can also scale characters up, like Jabba for example.


Jedimod is available from all the usual sources. (http://www.jediknightii.net etc)


EDIT: You can get JediMod+ 3.0 here. That should do the trick.


Hope that helps, any more questions, you know where we are.



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I just asked about how to make the yoda character smaller and was told i need jedimod 3.0 (thanx blackout) i already have jediplus 4.3.......does 4.3 have the capabilty to make characters smaller / larger.....if so can anyone tell me how?????




Mr. Furious:)

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Heh I've never really been into these types of mods but I will say that mod has some of the funniest stuff I've seen since playing jk2.


I connected to one of those servers the other day and I had some 2 foot tall midget in a lime green jump suit punching me in the groin.


When I went to kill him flames shot out of his ass and he flew 1/2 way across the screen and stared doing cart wheels...


It really was quite funny.

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