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Rebel vs. Empire again?


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Frankly, I don't see what's so wrong with the way Desann looked.


Is it OKAY for EU authors to create new aliens? Yes? No?


Anyway, if you watch the original Star Wars, and even the later movies you'll see PLENTY of "aliens" who are essentially a human with an odd skin color and an animal head grafted on. It's still more than what we see in another popular science fiction franchise *cough*trek*cough* for "alieny" appearances.


Admiral Ackbar? The Cantina aliens? 'Nuff said.


If he was in the movies, you all would be overjoyed about how accurate and faithful to the movies he was. Sure he looked goofy, but he did bad things, and he was a tough cookie in battle (most of the time anyway). In short, everything you need in a videogame villian... ; )



As to the whole good vs. evil thing, it's just a game. Even the good guys in games do things most people would consider bad (unless it was a war, which it happens to be) and you get away with more. The fact that you'll be making the choice between Dark and Lightside should make the morality more ambigious.


Like if you're a bad guy, you might still be fighting the bad guys, but for the wrong reasons? Or maybe you do bad things, with the hope that good will come out of it (end justifies the means) or maybe you'll just flat out join them? Or maybe you're more evil than your foes! The possibilities are endless... I hope they explore this as much as possible.

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Frankly, I don't see what's so wrong with the way Desann looked.
Well, there isn't anything inherently wrong in making the villain an oversized humanoid with a purple dinosaur's head. It's just that, when the camera finally panned upwards to reveal the face of Kyle Katarn's new nemesis, I was closer to laughing than I was to grimacing in concern for my character's safety, or nodding happily in appreciation of the character designers' skill. That's just me, though.


That, and one expected him to suddenly burst into a deep-voiced rendition of "the friendship song".


Jerec was good. He had... that je ne c'est quoi. That same indefinable something that Vader had. Evil. Panache. He was formidable.


The fact that you'll be making the choice between Dark and Lightside should make the morality more ambigious.
Dunno about that too much... In the games prior to JO, if one killed a civilian, one was either punished for it or turned progressively towards the Dark Side. Anything but self-defence was Dark, in other words.


I liked the lack of ambiguity in JK. One was either a good guy or a bad guy, and one had to make an unequivocal choice to that effect. It made one feel all twinkley and moral. Presuming that like me, one always chose the Light Side, that is.


I hope they replicate that in JA...

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Originally posted by MattJedi

What might be really cool is if a group of jedi from the acedemy turned to the dark side, or maybe just one, somethig like that.


Well, it happened in the novels, so I don't see why not. Even if they become the apprentices of some other Dark Jedi...so you have to fight people that you got to know earlier on. I love the whole morality deal...

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