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Zelda, The Wind Waker

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I haven't beaten it yet, but so far it's pretty cool. It's also a bit too easy. And the cell shading turned me off just a bit, but the water travel redeemed the game for me. Unfortunately, I didn't buy the one with OoT, because I thought they were separate games.....I didn't know they came together. :(

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

BTW, when did you get the Ocarina of Time disk. Was it a separate thing or what?


officialy was a "combo" of Zelda by nintendo, when you ordered Wind Waker they give you Ocarina/master quest disk as a free bonus



I already finished Zelda ocarina, i like that game a lot


im stuck in the MAster quest in the forest Temple, why?

well , because master quest is the same game that Ocarina of Time, but with all the dungeons changed!!! :D

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It's one of those games that got me awake alnight ... But it is a little easy yeah, especially when you've played Zelda before.


In the Netherlands there were 2 ways of getting the masterquest.

1. Pre-order Zelda

2. Buy the limited edition Zelda Gamecube ... i did the later.


Haven't really played the masterquest yet, WW had top priority now :D

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Some sections were such a pain the arse for me to get through. Like trying to float on that damn leaf. The game had me yelling at the monitor for slippy control. On top of that, the cel-shading really pissed me off. I'm sure if the controls were re-tweaked and Nintendo actually put some effort into taking advantage of the GC's graphical capabilities, I would enjoy the game much more.


Pah. *loads up Zelda: A Link to the Past*

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Wind Waker was great. The graphics are definitely a step up from Ocarina, and cel-shading beats the hell out of a completely realistic Link. I'm incredibly glad they didn't put any voices in either, the last think I want to hear is "Well excuuuse me, Princess".


It still doesn't surpass Ocarina in terms of sheer quality though, and it brings little innovation to the series, but that can be easily forgiven once you check out the dungeon designs. It may have been relatively short and easy, but it was definitely satisfying.


The soundtrack remained consistently brilliant, there were plenty of side-quests and mini-games to entertain those who really wanted little sis' to perish of malnutrition, and 50 floors of slashing enemies really does satisfy the angry little sword-wielding midget in all of us. Killing things is more fun when each slash produces a different tone, and parrying Darknuts is the best.


On the negative side, it was very easy, I managed to slice my way through without losing a life (although I probably would have had I not imprisoned many fairies), and the bosses were really just too easy. Also, fishing for crap in the sea isn't the most exciting of past-times, and it's irritating to get from A to B before you learn the funky transport-me-places tune.


It's not really as landmarky as Link to the Past or Ocarina were, and Princess Zelda is definitely less hot than she was, but this is still a totally awesome game, fools.

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