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Voice Talent!

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Agreed Pelpat :(


I must join Leemu, and say that I'm impressed with the voice talents as well. The voices for Bastilla and Carth are perfect. Gadon Thekk and master Vrook seem to be two new interesting characters... still, having watched Voyager for a long time, I must say that the mercenary really sounds alot like Neelix. Mayhaps he'll have the same looks as the Talaxian :D


A great cast so far. A wonderful update.

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Well, it's good to see a professional line-up for the voice talent. This attention to quality is the sort of thing that will make this game rock, IMHO. Thanks for the heads-up. I'm glad to see they're pulling out all the stops to make this a quality gaming experience. Having actors who can actually convey feeling through voice is extremely important, IMHO. The way some of the lines are delivered in some games just makes me shudder.



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I'm glad to see they're pulling out all the stops to make this a quality gaming experience. Having actors who can actually convey feeling through voice is extremely important, IMHO. The way some of the lines are delivered in some games just makes me shudder.



I'm with ya on that one!


Good to see LA investing that bit extra on this. Also alot of other good voice actors that they use lots so the director can get the best performance out of them :)

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