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Reading this topic before, but will we able to edit JA like we do in JO?


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I mean winzip is a good tool for going into JO and extract files! The whole game is good to edit. I heard JA shall be based on a farer developed Q3 engine....Does that mean that there'll be .pk3s like in JO? Hope JO-Fun will not die soon because of these new games coming out ;)

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if its a q3 game, there will be pk3 files, no question

theres no need to rewrite an already good archiving system


Also, im pretty sure that i wont play jk2 when JA comes out, i cant speak for everyone else, but it looks like the unmodded JA will have better features than all the best features from jk2 mods combined...but you know, im a sucker for pretty effects and hype :)

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A big question i have is whether radiant will be easier to use this time around. I've ried using jk2 as well as gtk and they pretty much suck in terms of user friendliness. There should be an editing program that makes it easier to map while not being a pain to use such as making terrain and rocks and such. At least make it so that a single player level won't take a year to release. I know a lot of these guys are intimidated by this and thus never finish up their ambitious projects. And the ones that do, well a lot of therm should not have been released at all. I myself have a VERY ambitious project in mind where i need to learn modelling, scripting, and am doing original art, story and mapping for this mod. Mapping itself isn't hard, it just takes a lot of time to invest when you try to come up with new ideas. Non-linearity is a big thing nowadays as well, which makes it harder to come up with ways to keep players entertained. No way you say. But yeah it's something i've been wanting to do since i was a kid. And it could either take years or months. Hopefully the latter.

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

A big question i have is whether radiant will be easier to use this time around. I've ried using jk2 as well as gtk and they pretty much suck in terms of user friendliness. There should be an editing program that makes it easier to map while not being a pain to use such as making terrain and rocks and such. At least make it so that a single player level won't take a year to release. I know a lot of these guys are intimidated by this and thus never finish up their ambitious projects. And the ones that do, well a lot of therm should not have been released at all. I myself have a VERY ambitious project in mind where i need to learn modelling, scripting, and am doing original art, story and mapping for this mod. Mapping itself isn't hard, it just takes a lot of time to invest when you try to come up with new ideas. Non-linearity is a big thing nowadays as well, which makes it harder to come up with ways to keep players entertained. No way you say. But yeah it's something i've been wanting to do since i was a kid. And it could either take years or months. Hopefully the latter.


Well, Raven have already said somewhere that for levels with terrain, they are making the terrain in a 3D program (don't know which one), and simply importing it. So I would imagine (depending on the file formats supported) that it would be easier to produce terrain in that way.


I can't see the editing tools for JA being radically different from those for JO, however.

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i found radiant to be the best map editor ive ever used, the one window approach is very clever.

However, jkradiant was very buggy so i used GTKradiant and it's excellent.

I'd love to see some of the new maps created with the terrain system, some really huge rolling hills with trees and buildings etc etc, really nice looking stuff...

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