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EGMonthly putting KOTOR #! on their list of Top 20 summer games?

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I have heard from a website(TheForce.net) that the Magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly has put SW:KOTOR #1 on their list of Top 20 Summer games, the reason I put a ? at the end of the title is because I haven't seen a scan or the article on EGMonthly's website or any other website, though barely any magazine websites have they're most recent articles on the website, but I was just wondering have any of you guys have seen this magazine as of late, I trust the source, but still.

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Well, I haven't seen that specific one, but I wouldn't doubt it.


Almost all of the magazines and web-sites are very anxious about KoTOR and has the game high on their priorities. I haven't seen any negative previews at all yet. :)


I think you can trust your source however. They seem to be pretty reliable. ;)

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I doubt it though.The game is starting to build up steam and hype but also disappointment.Disappointment not just cause its coming out july 17th(?)instead on june 20th,but for many reasons.First,no advertising....i mean,the matrix game had video game commericals a month or two before it came out,same as Devil may cry.Plus-many people are upset theres not psx2 version or kidcube version-but i say f***k them.

Plus with this new footage,the gameplay comes into question.All the guys at $EB games were confused by the combat system,is it menu scrolling or hack-n-slash.Between that and this point system,it does get confusing to us who don't play Pc games or D&D.However,i have learned about 'most' of that stuff at this site,which i wish,everyone would read and check this site out before they get the game.Knowledge is power. And without famialer faces in this title(no luke,han,obi,Vader,fett)it might not sell as great as say rogue leader or clone wars.Plus it BIoWARE...not exactly a household name for star wars games-like ex. lucasarts,nintendo.

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Originally posted by TheChosenOne-

I doubt it though.The game is starting to build up steam and hype but also disappointment.Disappointment not just cause its coming out july 17th(?)instead on june 20th,but for many reasons.First,no advertising....i mean,the matrix game had video game commericals a month or two before it came out,same as Devil may cry.Plus-many people are upset theres not psx2 version or kidcube version-but i say f***k them.

Plus with this new footage,the gameplay comes into question.All the guys at $EB games were confused by the combat system,is it menu scrolling or hack-n-slash.Between that and this point system,it does get confusing to us who don't play Pc games or D&D.However,i have learned about 'most' of that stuff at this site,which i wish,everyone would read and check this site out before they get the game.Knowledge is power. And without famialer faces in this title(no luke,han,obi,Vader,fett)it might not sell as great as say rogue leader or clone wars.Plus it BIoWARE...not exactly a household name for star wars games-like ex. lucasarts,nintendo.


None of the reasons you state mean that EGM won't put KOTOR as their #1 game of the summer and that it won't be an incredible game. Who cares if Luke, Han and others aren't in this game.........and who cares if Bioware isn't a household name with SW fans before the release of this game. After the release, people will know who Bioware is.


We also have a little less then two months before release.....expect to start seeing advertisements relatively soon. Also, the game has been delayed a few times now, so I don't think people are too upset about the one month set back.


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To add to what Leemu said...


Game sites/magazines aren't regualar gamers. I don't think EGM is going to throw a fit because the game won't be out on PS2 or any other system. They also know what Bioware is doing with the combat system, not some greasy guy who plays the Tomb Raider series all day long that works at EB. Just a plain fact. It's why I never ask the guys at stores like that anything about games. I heard from one guy that worked at EB that Age of Empires was a FPS. So just don't take things they say too seriously. :nut:


Don't worry, the game has tons of hype already, and it will only continue to grow.


Edit: Sorry if anyone here works at EB. I know everyone that works there isn't a greasy guy who plays Tomb Raider all day long. :p

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Maybe you guys are right...but i know alot of people who aren't buying this game at first,they want to try it out via rental.The RPG label has alot people thinking.Without the benefit of this site,most of them hope its like FF series.The store does have a few pre-orders,but the guy said he can count them on one hand.

EGM and gamepro have spoken very highly of this game,not to mention xbox magazine.July can't come quick enough.

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Friends and comrades -


Go to my site, and as you will see, the very article about KOTOR as #1 of the Top 20 Summer games is a .jpg file.


Save it, you fools. :p:D

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Thanks a bunch, 220. :)



I love the good and the bad picture. It shows off how force alignment will reflect on your character very well.


And, the top pic-- Is that guy trying to fight both Jolee and Bastila with a metal rod? The guy must have no wits about him....:p


Thanks for the scan, 220. ;)

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Ditto on the thanks, 220!!! :D


...but i know alot of people who aren't buying this game at first,they want to try it out via rental.


Most people do that anyway. Rather than waste their money on a game that they wont enjoy.


The RPG label has alot people thinking.Without the benefit of this site,most of them hope its like FF series.The store does have a few pre-orders,but the guy said he can count them on one hand.


Most gamers don't follow games through production like the people here do so they would have a question about gameplay.

I think the depth of the game will when them over. Even if they don't like the combat system they'll get to role play a Jedi. That means conversations, battles, mind tricks, etc. In what other game can you do that?


This game has a better story line than FF and is Star Wars. I don't think there is much to worry about. If people are hoping it's like FF then their hopes will be surpassed by a great deal. ;)

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