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Xenadrin EFX

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Anyone take any kind of ephedra free diet pills before?


I'm desperate to loose this last 20 pounds of my pregnant wieght

::::sob sob:::: and I don't really have much time to excercise..and as you can see my job is not that...."fat burning". I used to be able to eat whatever and not gain a pound. Now things are different.


So I bought Xenadrin EFX program. It advertises that if you use the meal plan and the video you will loose almost 20 pounds in like 14 days!! (I'll believe it when I see it)


So...the meal plan consists of CRAP


Oatmeal (non-flavored)






so no more dr peppers or reeses peanut butter cups




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Hmmm, your going to hate me, but I want to gain 20 lbs.


Anyway, I never trusted a pill. In my opinion, nothing beats good exercise. And that sounds like a pretty harsh diet. I think you should be more than alright if you do some exercise, and eat regualated. Just modify your diet some. Do little things like slack off on deserts and fatty foods. All those foods you always say "I should not be eating this," dont eat. Cut back on the fast food (helps wonders). Cook with less salts and sugars. Stuff like that will help you with a diet and you will probably loose the weight faster than you think.

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The secret to losing weight that nobody will ever tell you:


Burn more calories per day than you take in.


It's that simple.


Eat smaller, but healthy, balanced meals, and get enough exercise to not only expend the calories that you take in that day, but some extra and you are guaranteed to lose weight.


And you don't want to lose it too fast, believe me. A pound or two a week is all you should be aiming for. In high school I went on a vegitarian, almost vegan diet after growing up on the all-American junk food diet, and lost a LOT of weight in a hurry. But I also made myself really ill, and I eventually had to have my gallbladder removed as a result. Too fast wieght loss is really bad for your system it turns out.


I've put some wieght back on since then, but I plan on taking it slow and easy and getting out and walking a few extra miles each day this summer (if the weather around here ever gets nice :rolleyes: ) but not changing my eating habits signifigantly.




Too many people have dropped like flies after taking them for me to ever think they are a good idea.

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