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Jedi, Lightsabers?


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Originally posted by Donnie Darko

Ok, so Jedi is being tested internally...but then how can they get affective feedback if it's from members of the team? Say the devs have the option of putting in force jump (this is a for-instance. I know there is no jumping in the game that is affective) so Jedi can cover large disances in a single bound and they all seem to like it. Ok, so the devs like it. Now what if the game is released and someone becomes a Jedi and they get some force jump so he starts jumping around and he's like "what the hell is the fun in this?" or someone sees him and goes "Jedi!" so they all try to kill him and now the player is like "Great...jumping sucks and everyone's trying to kill me." I think my point is obvious.....


While the jumping example might not be the best to use, I think you've struck a chord that has been worrying me for quite some time. An internal-only beta test is never sufficient, in the software development world, to adequately shake out bugs, much less address game-balancing issues.


Personally I'm hoping for a very specific "last day of beta" event: Everyone gets to be a jedi for that day, haha :) If nothing else, we'd at least get SOME exposure to it, in the hopes of giving a little bit of feedback to the devs.


But not publicly testing the Jedi "profession" takes the wind out of my sails, in terms of hoping for a smooth progression of players into that status. I know one thing for CERTAIN: I definitely DO NOT want to be the first Jedi :)

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- I have this posted on another thread but I think it's appropriate for this one as well -


Well, a lot of people that are going to play SWG are looking forward to playing Jedi so if they just got rid of it they will loose a lot of "customers" or whatever you want to call them. It would just upset so much people it would be catastrphic to the game. And if they decided not to even have Jedi there would be the people who will think "No Jedi? F*** this game* And then there's the people who are looking forward to RP with Jedi...you just have too look at all aspects of Jedi in the game and how important it will be to a lot of players.

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