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My last post was "how do you do the headbutt?" What I meant was "how do you do that charging tackle that I occasionally see the enemies doing?; the one with the slight pause, a sparkle, and then BAM!!!" Is it possible for Indy to do it or can only the enemies do it?


the other thing. there was this one incident where I was fighting a Gestapo agent. I had a table leg. So I hit him a couple times and ended with a thrust/stab. Instead of the conventional fall down, he started squealing and grabbing his groin. And it took him 5 seconds to die: crotch grab, squeal, on the knees, fall on his face. I Laughed Out Loud at this. Has this happened to anyone before?

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Yes, happened to me as well several times. It seems to be caused by already having started the timed sequence where an enemy is about to die, however, the character is still inside a moving sequence, too, where both sequences overlap. Nevertheless, The Collective did a very good work in nearly having no side-effects in their engine. I mean, a situation like this is mentioned to be a corner case, and such corner cases are handled very well in ET.

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The groin thing isn't caused by glitches, it just happens when you beat them in the groin real hard. Heck, it even happened to Indy himself with me at the helm!


I know this forum died out ages ago, but i;m bored. So i'm gonna display my knowledge to the ghosts who come here...

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