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Well I tried using a trigger_hurt and giving it a negative value and it does heal you. The only problem was it gave me like 999 health and alot of shield health too. lol.


For Single Player you could make a script to slowly heal you I suppose (i'll probably have to do this to rememdy that whacked out healing).


If this is for Multi-player though you're out of luck on scripting (until Jedi Academy anyways). :)

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Well, I may be misunderstanding this, but I don't see why you can't just have a trigger_multiple connected with a target_give and a medpack thing. You will have to check a flag or something similar on the medpack so it won't show up.


i dont mean one of those medipacks


Yeah. But, if you don't need to SLOWLY heal yourself, you can use that, and it will just heal you in (25 point?) increments.


I don't believe that there is a better way in MP. Sorry.

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Originally posted by Business_Eskimo

Well, I may be misunderstanding this, but I don't see why you can't just have a trigger_multiple connected with a target_give and a medpack thing. You will have to check a flag or something similar on the medpack so it won't show up.


hhhmm i dont have an idea on how to set that experiment up lol has anyone tried to see if it works cause i dunno how i would go about using target give cause i've never used it :)

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