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If you get a double-bladed lighsaber will you be able to have just one end on?

Wesia Daoke

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Last thing I heard was that you couldn't ignite just one side.


Just use one saber if you want to do that, what would really be the difference?


Igniting one side then another right after would make you feel pretty bad though. :p


But I don't really care if they do or don't and it looks like they aren't. Especially since the devs said they weren't. ;)

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Igniting one side then another right after would make you feel pretty bad though.


Agreed. that would've been a very nice feature. Seeing as how you probably CAN change between wielding one saber, and half-way through start attacking with a second, I'm definately gonna try and surprise(even though it prolly won't be scripted or anythin') Darth Malak that way. I think that we'll get to duel Malak before the final battle, and be utterly humiliated by him... if I'm wielding one blade at that time, my plan just might work.


Just think of it : First Malak manages to defeat me easily with one blade. Then I have a rematch with him, and I'm perfectly capable of holding out on my own with one blade... and suddenly, I grab my second saber and activate it. I'd definately would like to see the look on his face when that happens :p

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First of all, it's Jin second of all it's tatooine third of all, it was in naboo.


Am I the only one who sees a contradiction in those last two statements? :p


Anyways, why would you want to use just one end?

For dramatic purposes? Perhaps to avoid penalties that you might receive when wielding a double-bladed saber? To look cool or surprise your opponent when you suddenly activate your second blade? There are numerous reasons.

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Originally posted by jedi3112

To be precise it's Jinn, not Jin and there was a fight on Tatooine, where Maul had one side ignited, it was just before they took off. Jinn fought him twice remember.


Thank you jediprobe for clearing that up.

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